Real Estate: Curious What A $23 Million House on O‘ahu Looks Like?

This Hawai‘i Loa Ridge stunner comes outfitted with wow-worthy features—a saltwater infinity pool, a pneumatic elevator, designer décor and a pop art collection that would make Pharrell jealous.


Designed by Jeffrey Long, principle and CEO of local architecture and interiors firm Longhouse Design + Build, and fully renovated in 2022, Casa di Alta Moda at 360 Pu‘uikena Drive offers an elevated blend of Japanese and American aesthetics set against a backdrop of modernism.


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At a cool $23 million, the 8,795-square-foot home is (at the time of publication) the second-highest priced listing in the gated Hawai‘i Loa Ridge community. It includes five bedrooms and six baths spread out over two floors, and sits on an oversized half-acre lot that boasts panoramic views of both the ocean and Diamond Head.


The home’s name, which translates to House of High Fashion in Italian, hints at its bespoke European finishes, which include a sleek Snaidero kitchen by Pininfarina, a Ferrari-owned design house; a grand limestone staircase and interior walls; and custom Italian closets by Molteni&C Dada.


Casa di Alta Moda 2 closet interior bench bags clothing

Photo: Island Luxury Photography, Courtesy of The Agency



For furnishings, Long took his cues from Japonisme’s influence on the Bauhaus movement, opting for iconic midcentury modern pieces and modern classics with Japanese elements. Keep an eye out for Mies van der Rohe Barcelona chairs, a plush Cassina sofa and a gorgeous Tresserra Correas coffee table fitted with leather straps that’s reminiscent of Japanese-style chabudai tables. The commercial-grade movie theater is even filled with Eames loungers and ottomans.


To provide contrast, Long opted for vibrant, often playful artwork. Affixed to the ceiling, an anime-style painting of geisha by Hiroyuki Matsuura peers down on the dining table below. Takashi Murakami’s cheery rainbow-hued flower pillows provide an adorable dopamine hit. And rare, limited-edition Coco Chanel and Fendi Bearbricks are displayed throughout the house.


Casa di Alta Moda home interior chairs table trunk

Photo: Island Luxury Photography, Courtesy of The Agency



Fashionable touches also show up in the form of a Louis Vuitton secretary-style monogram trunk, a minimal Hermès console table and a closet outfitted in Chanel’s Lesage tweed fabric. And then, there’s the show-stopping Fendi Space Monkey Zucca that holds court at the top of the main staircase.


And did we mention the saltwater infinity pool and pneumatic elevator?


To view this property’s listing, visit For inquires, contact Yvienne Peterson, [email protected], (808) 344-5575, or Blair Chang, [email protected], (310) 560-7320, at The Agency.



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