Recently I couldn’t get the junk drawer open because a pair of scissors was pointing the wrong way. I really needed to retrieve something so at the risk of having to go to the ER with a stab wound, I reached in and was able to reposition the scissors. I got the drawer open, wound-free.

Myrna Lyng

I found what I wanted, so I put the scissors back, right on top of three other pairs. I realized that four was three too many. I needed to clean out the dang drawer.  

I have done that before. I even bought containers that enabled me to have two layers of storage so things didn’t have to be tossed higgledy-piggledy into the drawer. As I was often reminded in elementary school, “neatness counts,” so I took care. 

So much for that. It’s almost “mission impossible” to keep those containers tidy,  looking like a “someday place” where the missing earring will show up, you will sew those buttons back on, you will find the toy that a stray piece belongs to and “Life could be a dream, Sh-Boom.” For sure.  

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