Sherman FFA Excels at Local Show

Sherman FFA hosted the Halloween Spooktacular, their annual project show and fundraiser, at the Texoma Exposition and Livestock Show grounds this past weekend, earning ribbons and gaining some career experience at the same time.

““They’re learning teamwork, problem solving, and other soft skills that are emphasized in CTE [Career and Technical Education],”said Kristi Sroka, Sherman High School animal science teacher and FFA sponsor. “Those skills, like conflict resolution and communication, will help them be better in the career they choose.”

Students volunteer in every aspect of the show, from organizing the grounds beforehand to managing entrants in the judging rings. For SHS senior and FFA president Shawnee Shepherd, a show like this provides ample opportunities.

“I really enjoy this,” Shepherd said. “Working with animals and testing my people skills is great, and helping other younger students is amazing. If you want to be an ag teacher, this would be good to see how to teach future students.”

The Spooktacular is also the first show of the year for some students, like sophomore Jolee Lewis, who showed her dairy goat.

“I didn’t win the Showmanship competition, but it is my first show this year,” she said. “Showmanship is really difficult and takes a lot of time and practice. If you get frustrated, your animal gets frustrated.”

With about 500 projects, this year’s Spooktacular is far larger than its first show three years ago, which had only rabbit projects. It has now expanded to include goats, lambs and poultry.

“We have exhibitors here from the Metroplex, East Texas and Oklahoma,” Sroka said. “People have come from all over for this show. It’s an excellent turnout.”

Collaboration from multiple CTE courses put the finishing touches on the show. A construction student created wooden award plaques, and banners were printed by the graphic design program.

“Our kids enjoyed learning to work with other programs,” Sroka said. “This show was a cool and great opportunity for FFA.”

Results from the show are:

(If you need space, you may cut everything but the highlighted awards)

Ariana Hilton

Best of Breed Silver, Best of Variety, Best Opposite Sex of Variety – Fawn Silver Rabbit

Best of Variety, Best Opposite of Breed – Black Silver Rabbit

Zoe Gray

Best of Breed – Harlequin Rabbit

Ben Wade

Best of Breed – American Sable Rabbit

Best of Variety – Britannia Petite Rabbit

Emily Williams

Best of Breed, Best Opposite of Breed & Reserve in Show – Britannia Petite Rabbit

Shawnee Shepherd

Reserve Champion Junior Doe

Senior Dairy Goat Showmanship Champion

Emmalie Bryan, Camden Bryan, Averiee Bryan – Rabbits

Best of Breed – Britannia Petite Rabbit

Best of Breed – Silver Fox Rabbit

Best Opposite Sex of Breed – Lionhead Rabbit

Best Opposite Sex of Breed – Californian Rabbit

Flemish Giant – Best of Breed

Averiee Bryan – Junior FFA

Reserve Champion Intermediate Dairy Goat Showman

Reserve Breed – Welsh Harlequin Duck

Emmalie Bryan

Reserve Champion Senior Rabbit Showmanship

Breed and Reserve Breed Champion – Campine Chickens

Caden Bair

Best Opposite of Variety – Dutch Rabbit

Luke Wilcox

Best of Beed and Best of Variety – Mini Lop Rabbits

Dairy Goat- Reserve Breed Champion Nigerian Dwarf.

Senior Halloween Costume Contest Winner

Alice Williams: Junior FFA

Best of Variety – Netherland Dwarf

Blake Smith

Best of Breed – English Spot

Best Opposite of Variety – Mini Rex

Devontay Wilson

Breed and Reserve Breed Champion – Ameraucana Chickens

Savanna Green

Breed & Reserve Breed Champion – Silkie Chickens

Intermediate Dairy Goat Showmanship Champion

Angelica Escalera

Best of Breed – New Hampshire Chicken

Best of Breed – Dominique Chicken

Reserve Breed – Old English Game Bird


FFA Show-1

SHS senior Shawnee Shepherd leads her dairy goat while maintaining eye contact with the judge during the Showmanship competition.

Courtesy/SISD, Todd Kleiboer

FFA Show-2

SHS sophomore Jolee Lewis answers the judge’s questions about her dairy goat during Showmanship.

Courtesy/SISD, Todd Kleiboer

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