A burning sensation is a type of pain distinct from dull, stabbing, or aching pain. It can occur in any area of the body but most commonly affects the skin. A wide range of conditions, from herpes to nerve damage, may be responsible.

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Experiencing a burning sensation can be uncomfortable and even worrying at times. Depending on the location of the sensation, there are many possible causes, such as an injury, infection, or a health condition.

Many medical conditions that cause a burning sensation have no cure, but treatments are available to help manage the pain. If you’re concerned about a burning sensation and suspect you have a health problem, consider speaking with a healthcare professional.

Many different conditions can cause a burning sensation. Here is a list of 16 possible causes.


Images of sores and rashes ahead.

Herpes simplex

Herpes virus on the lipShare on Pinterest
Herpes simplex virus on the lip. LPETTET/Getty Images

The herpes viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause oral and genital lesions.

Blisters may reoccur in response to stress, menstruation, illness, or sun exposure.

These painful blisters can occur alone or in clusters and lead to pain and a burning sensation. They can also produce clear, yellow fluid and then crust over.

Canker sore

Canker sore on the inside of child's lipShare on Pinterest
Canker sore on the inside of the lip. Piyawat Nandeenopparit/Shutterstock

Canker sores are small, painful, oval-shaped ulcers on the inside of your mouth that appear red, white, or yellow in color.

They are usually harmless and heal on their own in a couple of weeks.


Person with rosacea on the faceShare on Pinterest
Rosacea can appear as facial redness. Blood vessels may be visible. Lipowski/Istock

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that goes through cycles of fading and relapse. Relapses may be triggered by:

Peripheral vascular disease

Peripheral vascular disease is a blood circulation disorder. It causes the blood vessels outside of your heart and brain to narrow, block, or spasm.

Symptoms may be caused by arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) or by blood vessel spasms.

It typically causes pain and fatigue in your legs that worsen with exercise and get better with rest.

Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy occurs when the nerves outside of your spinal cord malfunction because they’re damaged or destroyed. It’s caused by many different infections, diseases, injuries, and some medications.

Diabetes is also a major cause of peripheral neuropathy.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid and other stomach contents back up into your esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter.

It may worsen when lying down, bending over, or after eating spicy, fatty, or large meals.


Shingles rash on the skinShare on Pinterest
Shingles can appear as a red, brown, or purple rash, depending on the color of your skin. Anukool Manoton/Shuttestock

Shingles typically causes a very painful rash that may burn, tingle, or itch, even if there are no blisters present.

The rash may contain clusters of fluid-filled blisters that break easily and leak fluid.

The rash typically emerges in a linear stripe pattern, most commonly on the torso, but it may also occur on other parts of the body, including the face.

Pernicious anemia

Pernicious anemia is caused by an inability to absorb vitamin B12, which you need for your body to make enough healthy red blood cells. It can cause fatigue, anorexia, and burning sensations.

Carpal tunnel

Carpal tunnel is caused by pinching and squeezing of the median nerve as it passes through your wrist into your hand.

It can lead to weakness in the muscles of your hand.

Symptoms usually worsen with activities that involve bending your wrist, such as:

  • typing
  • using tools
  • driving
  • holding a phone


Neuralgia is burning and stabbing pain that occurs along a damaged or irritated nerve. The affected nerve may be anywhere in your body, but it is most often in your face or neck.

It’s caused by many different conditions and infections, which can include:

  • shingles
  • diabetes
  • multiple sclerosis
  • nerve compression
  • medication side effects
  • trauma
  • kidney disease

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive autoimmune disease that affects the protective coverings of nerve cells. Researchers believe that it causes your body’s immune system to attack myelin, which is an insulating coating around nerve cells. Once myelin erodes, communication between nerve cells in the central nervous system (CNS) is disrupted.

When this happens, some parts of your body do not receive instructions from your brain, causing burning pain and spasms.

It has unpredictable symptoms that can vary in intensity and duration.

Central pain syndrome

Central pain syndrome is a brain disorder that occurs when the nerves in the CNS are damaged. The condition can cause different types of painful sensations, including burning and aching.

Symptoms can vary significantly in intensity, character, location, and timing.


Sciatica typically results from an injury to or irritation of the sciatic nerve and causes moderate to severe lower back and leg pain. It can cause a tingling or burning pain.

Herniated disc

A herniated disk occurs when a disk in your spine slips out of place. The disks protect the bones in your spinal cord by absorbing shock from daily activities, such as walking and twisting. When a disk moves out of place, it can compress a nerve and cause burning pain. It may also cause numbness or muscle weakness.

Depending on where the herniated disc is, it may also cause sciatica pain.


Frostbite on toesShare on Pinterest
Frostbite can develop from prolonged exposure to cold. Sapp, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Frostbite occurs when your skin and the tissue under it freeze. Before numbness sets in, frostbite produces a burning sensation. Common locations for frostbite can include:

  • fingers
  • toes
  • nose
  • ears
  • cheeks
  • chin

Medical emergency

Frostbite is considered a medical emergency. Urgent care may be required.

Bites and stings

A bite from a deer tick creates a bullseye rashShare on Pinterest
A bite from an infected deer tick can cause Lyme disease. CDC/ James Gathany, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Bites and stings from venomous insects or animals, such as snakes, can produce a burning sensation in the affected area.

Medical emergency

Some bites from certain species of snake, spider, and tick can be severe or life threatening. Urgent care may be required.

It is important to schedule an appointment with a doctor if you experience a persistent burning sensation. During your appointment, the doctor will perform a physical examination and ask about your pain. Be prepared to answer questions that may include:

  • the location of the pain
  • the severity of the pain
  • when the pain began
  • how often you experience the pain
  • any other symptoms you may have

The doctor may also order certain tests to try to identify the underlying cause of your burning pain. These diagnostic tests may include:

  • blood or urine tests to check for nutritional deficiencies and other conditions
  • imaging tests, such as X-rays and CT scans, to examine bones and muscles in your spine
  • electromyography (EMG) to assess the health of nerves and muscles
  • nerve conduction velocity test to determine how quickly electrical signals move through a particular peripheral nerve
  • nerve biopsy to check for nerve damage in a particular part of your body
  • skin biopsy to examine a small sample of the affected skin under a microscope to analyse inflammation and the density of nerve fibers

Treatment for a burning sensation depends on the underlying cause. If a doctor finds an underlying health condition, they may treat that particular condition first. Your course of treatment will vary depending on the problem. Treatment may include:

  • medications
  • surgery
  • physical therapy
  • dietary changes

You can manage the burning pain with anti-inflammatory medications, prescription painkillers, or over-the-counter pain relievers. You can also speak with a doctor about certain home remedies that may help treat your condition.

Many conditions that cause a burning sensation have no cure, but treatments can significantly reduce the pain.

You should speak with a doctor so you can receive a diagnosis and treatment for the problem that may be causing your burning sensation. Make sure you stick with your treatment plan and attend any necessary follow-up appointments.