Erica Cirino is a writer, artist and researcher who works globally. While on assignments in places as far-off as the South Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Circle, she covers science stories that often meet at the intersection of human and wildlife health, and environmental conservation. In particular, Erica is highly focused on uncovering the depths and health effects of the global plastic pollution crisis.\n"},"avatar":{"title":"","width":200,"height":200,"src":""}}],"medicalReviewers":[{"id":629,"name":{"display":"University of Illinois","first":"University of Illinois-Chicago","last":""},"userLogin":"uillinois","links":{"website":"","facebook":"","linkedin":"","twitter":"","instagram":"","tiktok":""},"link":"/reviewers/-629","type":{"value":"medical_reviewer","label":"Medical Advisor"},"nid":"122546","specialties":[],"guestTitle":"","bio":{"text":"
Pharmacist specialists from the University of Illinois Chicago helped write and review our generic drug content. All of our drug content is created by a team of highly trained pharmacists who ensure that our articles are accurate and accessible. These pharmacists take highly complex drug information and translate it into clear, easy-to-read language, helping our readers make educated decisions about their own health care.\n"},"avatar":{"title":"","width":200,"height":200,"src":""}}],"id":"wp-554656","updateReason":[],"factCheckedBy":"","factCheckers":[],"articleHistory":[],"articleDates":{"factChecked":{"date":null,"display":""},"medicallyReviewed":{"date":1459753200,"display":"April 4, 2016"},"published":{"date":1336374000,"display":"May 7, 2012"},"lastUpdates":{"date":1583982223,"display":"March 12, 2020"},"modified":{"date":1583982223,"display":"March 12, 2020"}},"type":"healthfeature","language":"en"},"cesData":{"metaDescription":"Butterbur, or Petasites hybridus, is a type of marsh plant thatâs long been used for medicinal purposes. Learn how it can help people who have allergies.","title":"Butterbur for the Treatment of Seasonal Allergies","iab_tag_tier_1":[],"iab_tag_tier_2":[],"mpdTags":[{"confidence":0.9834722313781755,"type":"topic_level_1","value":"health"},{"confidence":0.6008164745190795,"type":"topic_level_2","value":"physical_conditions"},{"confidence":0.6064377523294799,"type":"topic_level_3","value":"ear_nose_and_throat"},{"confidence":0.6145656558562403,"type":"topic_level_4","value":"allergies"},{"confidence":0.3222214070524669,"type":"entity","value":"butterbur"}]},"relatedStories":false,"wellness":{"title":"wellness reads","coverImageUrl":"/hlcmsresource/images/frontend-static/sidebar-wellness/7354-wellness_reads_option2_600x260-rightrail.jpg","items":[{"title":{"text":"10 Exercises to Tone Every Inch of Your Body","matches":"Tone Every Inch"},"url":"/health/fitness-exercise/10-best-exercises-everyday","thumbnail":""},{"title":{"text":"For a Longer Life and Happier Gut, Eat More Fiber","matches":"Longer Life"},"url":"/health/food-nutrition/fiber-diet-good-for-gut-and-health","thumbnail":""},{"title":{"text":"What You Need to Know About the Health Benefits of Collagen","matches":"Collagen"},"url":"/nutrition/collagen-benefits","thumbnail":""},{"title":{"text":"6 Ways to Boost Your Coffee with Vitamins and Antioxidants","matches":"Boost Your Coffee"},"url":"/health/food-nutrition/vitamin-coffee-natural-boost","thumbnail":""},{"title":{"text":"The 3-Day Fix for Energy","matches":"3-Day Fix"},"url":"/health/healthy-sleep/guide-fix-fatigue-and-sleepiness","thumbnail":""}]},"shouldLoadSEOClarity":false,"shouldLoadFullStory":false,"userPreloadDrivers":{"headerNewsletter":{"_driverPath":"/health/allergies/butterbur-treatment","_contentIndex":"page","driverId":"319ebbd3-216d-4868-b079-28ec9635de15","siteId":"3bd23390-7108-11ea-8600-afc672063050","site":"hl","status":"on","deleted":false,"overridePredictiveRPM":false,"created":"2022-12-19T20:15:21.000Z","updated":"2024-11-05T21:37:48.000Z","createdBy":"[email protected]","updatedBy":"[email protected]","isTest":false,"overridePredictiveRPMType":"none","rewardType":"","modelType":"","customModel":false,"holdout":"","sdapiTestName":"","imageMobile":"","color":"#02838d","driverTypeId":"1ed6a315-4241-4254-92ae-17d0570ee038","sailthruAccount":"hl","source":"header_overlay","titleOverride":"Get our weekly Allergies & Asthma email","secondaryNewsletterLists":["Heart Health"],"id":"d45a334f-4f10-4529-b576-9c9171ba68ce","trackingNumber":39712,"adTagIds":["5bfa54a0-cb61-11ea-841d-230b5918b98d"],"articlePlacement":"headerNewsletter","image":"","secondarySubscriptionSubhead":"Other newsletters you wonât want to miss:","titleOverrideMobile":"Get our weekly Allergies & Asthma email","secondaryNewsletters":[{"sailthruAcct":"hl","lists":["Heart Health"],"title":"our popular Heart Health newsletter"}],"titles":"our popular Heart Health newsletter","descriptionModal":"To help you avoid triggers and manage reactions, we'll send you expert advice and treatment news.","driverType":"headerNewsletter","verticalId":"45327b98-ed52-496f-bd5f-2153e944cb68","verticalName":"Allergies","lists":["Allergies"],"name":"lifecycle_header_hl_allergies_newsletter","imageDesktop":"","descriptionModalMobile":"To help you avoid triggers and manage reactions, we'll send you expert advice and treatment news.","driverPlacementId":"d5b8e667-55c1-4a6d-b05d-728a1733109b","campaignName":"lifecycle_header_hl_allergies_newsletter_39712","productId":"lifecycle_header_hl_allergies_newsletter_39712","_uuid":"m72b8cca5-7114-4780-9df6-d88e6f73c975mpd_headerNewsletter_319ebbd3-216d-4868-b079-28ec9635de15","cpm":4.914199295216408e+306}},"travelerDisabledReasons":["User is located outside the US (DE)"]}})})()
Butterbur, or Petasites hybridus, is a type of marsh plant thatâs long been used for medicinal purposes. It grows throughout Europe and in certain parts of Asia and North America. It gets its name from its large leaves that were used to wrap butter to keep it fresh in warm weather.
All parts of the butterbur plant have also been used to treat a variety of health problems. Itâs still used to treat headaches, especially migraines.
Researchers say butterbur is effective in reducing the intensity and frequency of migraines.
It is estimated that 30 percent of American adults and 40 percent of children are affected by allergies. Because of its reputation for treating a number or illnesses, butterbur is now being studied as a possible treatment for allergies.
So far findings suggest that the plant may be an effective treatment for nasal allergies. Butterbur would be administered as an oil extract or in pill form.
One study found that butterbur could suppress allergic reactions in rats. In a human study, people with allergies that were given butterbur tablets for a week showed significant improvement of their allergy symptoms. After five days of treatment, the participantsâ bodies contained smaller amounts of the allergy-producing substances leukotriene and histamines.
When your body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases the inflammatory chemical leukotriene. Leukotriene is whatâs responsible for triggering an allergic reaction in your body.
Leukotriene (LT) inhibitors block leukotriene and prevent or relieve an allergic reaction. Butterbur seems to act as an LT receptor inhibitor, much like the drug montelukast (Singulair).
Montelukast can be used to treat nasal allergies. It can also cause severe mental health side effects, so it isnât recommended as an allergy treatment unless there are no other suitable options.
However, researchers havenât yet found that butterbur is useful in treating asthma or skin allergies.
Unprocessed butterbur contains chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). PAs can cause serious liver damage and other illnesses.
However, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that PA-free butterbur products are safe, effective, and donât cause side effects in most people. They should be taken by mouth in the recommended doses for 12 to 16 weeks. However, it is not known if using butterbur for a long period of time could cause problems.
Most people tolerate butterbur well, but it may cause side effects in some people. Side effects most often affect those who are allergic to plants. Because butterbur is part of the daisy family, you should avoid using it if you are allergic to plants in that family. Side effects may include:
allergic reactions
itchy eyes
digestive problems
You should always talk to your doctor before starting an alternative allergy treatment. Because butterbur could cause allergic reactions, it should only be given to children under a doctorâs supervision. Itâs also important that if you use butterbur products you make sure that they are processed and labeled as PA-free.
How we reviewed this article:
Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. We only use quality, credible sources to ensure content accuracy and integrity. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
Aydin, A. A., Zerbes, V., Parlar,H., & Letzel, T. (2013). The medical plant butterbur (Petasites):Analytical and physiological (re)view. Journalof Pharmaceutical Biomedical Analysis, 75, 220-229.
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Shimoda, H., Tanaka, J., Yamada,E., Morikawa, T., Kasajima, N., & Yoshikawa, M. (2006). Anti typeI allergic property of Japanese butterbur extract and its mast celldegranulation inhibitory ingredients. Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54(8),2915-2920.
Thomet, O. A., Wiesmann, U. N.,Blaser, K., & Simon, H. U. (2001). Differential inhibition ofinflammatory effector functions by petasin, isopetasin and neopetasin in humaneosinophils. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 31(8), 1310-20.
Thomet, O.A., Wiesmann, U. N., Schapowal, A., Bizer, C., & Simon, H. U. (2001). Role of petasin in the potential anti-inflammatory activity of a plantextract of petasites hybridus. BiochemicalPharmacology, 61(8), 1041-1047.