EDITOR—Geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic reveals the hidden truth on the rising threat of WW3 amid the row between the EU and Trump as Zelensky’s future hangs in the balance. What is the geopolitical power play unfolding and is it what meets the eye? This must-watch stream unveils the shocking truth behind the spin.
BRUCE LERRO—The ruling powers try to rationalize and legitimize their power by inventing ideologies that paint them as more capable and harder working than they really are. One part of their ideology is that there is no ruling class as a social formation. Class is simply the position that separate individuals occupy as a result of their individual competencies and effort. The “free market” is infinitely flexible, open to all comers. In this capitalist ideology there is no relationship between social classes. Capitalists appear to acquire their wealth as a completely separate process from what workers do or don’t do. What is really going on is that upper-class wealth is dependent on their exploitation of the working class in the form of surplus value.
EDITOR—(Quote)-While the entire news media is focused on Trump’s suspension of arms for Ukraine, the administration is arming Israel to the teeth. The nature of the bombs being sold indicates Israel’s military is preparing to continue its bombing campaigns in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen; as well as preparing for possible war with Iran.
Included in the sales are tens of thousands of controversial 2,000 lb. bombs so heavily criticized during the Gaza war for their destructive capacity, and thousands of “Hellfire” missiles that are used for targeted killings.
ERIC ZUESSE—And then I documented that this is so. What strikes me with particular force from all those data is that if a nation’s head-of-state is overwhelmingly approved-of by that country’s residents, that country is held by the U.S. Government and by its ‘news’-media to be ‘autocratic’, ‘a dictatorship’, or otherwise in need of being regime-changed — conquered by coup, invasion, or otherwise — and if a nation whose head-of-state is overwhelmingly disapproved-of by that country’s residents, that country is almost certainly a U.S. colony (‘ally’).
INDRAJIT—The key insight of China’s reforms in the 80s was that you can have markets within socialism as long as you keep power over them. Capitalism, on the other hand, puts society inside a market where even politicians are bought and sold. A communist (or socialist) government can put the community (or society) at the center of decision-making, but letting capital decide on its own is a recipe for disaster.