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SAML metadata URL

Some SAML-enabled applications expect IdP metadata to be provided as a URL rather than an uploaded XML file, which gets inconvenient when using Cloud Identity. It would be great if Cloud Identity could provide a URL to the generated metadata file when adding a custom SAML app so we don't have to download and re-host the file in order to configure the application side for SSO.

3 5 8,168

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

I'm having trouble finding that XML file containing the IdP metadata. Would you mind telling me where you found it? I would like to use the Identity Platform as the SAML Identity Provider for another service.

You have to add a custom app, via Apps > Web and mobile apps > Add App > Add custom SAML app; there's a download button for that app-specific IdP metadata on the second step of that process. Our issue is that you can't retrieve a link to that metadata to provide to the SAML app, and for those apps that require a URL rather than an uploaded file or copy/paste of its contents, that means we have to manually re-host it elsewhere.

The full guide is here:

Thanks for replying promptly.

Are you referring to the IdP metadata of a Google Workspace account? 

I had meant using Google Cloud's Identity Platform as the SAML IdP source.  

Yes and no. Cloud Identity is managed via the Google Admin console, not through GCP, so it does feel like it's part of Workspace. Note the page I linked is labeled "Cloud Identity Help".

Hello YC 
Could you resolv your issuse 
I have the same problem. I need one URL