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Increase user cap OAuth

I need to increase my user cap, i reached limit of 100 users, its impacting my application, my service already verified...



Solved Solved
0 4 474

Hi @lucasbulow,

I see that you've hit the 100-user limit for your OAuth app, even though it's verified. This happens with apps requesting sensitive or restricted scopes.


  • Request an increase: You can apply to Google to raise the cap through their API Trust and Safety team.
  • Switch to Internal: If the app is only for your organization, change the user type to internal to avoid this limit.
  • Other options: If possible, consider using service accounts for authorization instead of user-based OAuth.

This might help keep your app running smoothly.

I hope the above information is helpful.

View solution in original post


Hi @lucasbulow,

I see that you've hit the 100-user limit for your OAuth app, even though it's verified. This happens with apps requesting sensitive or restricted scopes.


  • Request an increase: You can apply to Google to raise the cap through their API Trust and Safety team.
  • Switch to Internal: If the app is only for your organization, change the user type to internal to avoid this limit.
  • Other options: If possible, consider using service accounts for authorization instead of user-based OAuth.

This might help keep your app running smoothly.

I hope the above information is helpful.

Hi @lucasbulow you already solved this?, I have the same inconvenience.

No, i cant solve it, i requested the increase of user's but google doesnt increase it.

In my case I was able to do it, I did the entire verification process including some sensitive permissions that required authorization for the application to work correctly, that was my solution in my case, anyway the authorization lasted a couple of weeks between several automatic emails asking for information , carefully review what permits are needed in your case and carry out the process. If you leave everything blank or do not require any sensitive permissions, the app will not allow you to use more than 100 users, I hope you can do it.