The Göttingen Campus

The Göttingen location has come to be synonymous with high-quality international research. To ensure that this remains the case in the future, the University of Göttingen, including the University Medical Center, and seven non-university local research centres have joined forces to form the Göttingen Campus.

By drawing on their joint strengths and potential, campus partners have created a unique and stimulating environment that encourages diversity and an active exchange between professors, researchers and doctoral students.

Across the Göttingen Campus, there are currently more than 5,900 researchers working in nearly every scientific discipline.

Within the Göttingen Campus, the quality of teaching and training of early career scientists is assured and continuously improved by joint graduate programmes and inter-institute junior research groups.

Science on campus benefits from excellent joint third-party funded projects and 23 joint professorships between the University and non-university institutions.

Latest news

  • Researchers at Göttingen University show keys to nature conservation measures at landscape level
    How can the loss of species and habitats in agricultural landscapes be stopped? Up to now, measures have mostly been implemented by individual farms. In contrast, agri-environmental measures that are planned across farms at landscape level offer greater potential for creating suitable habitats for different species as a mosaic in the landscape. However, successful landscape level approaches also require cooperation between farms and other…
  • Astrocytes help to understand the evolution of the human brain
    Astrocytes appear to play a more important role in the evolution of the brain than previously thought. A team of researchers led by Aleksandra Pękowska from the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology in Warsaw has discovered new genes and mechanisms that contribute to this process. The study, in which Rüdiger Behr from the German Primate Center was also involved, was published in the journal Cell Stem Cell. Astrocytes are star-shaped cells in…
  • Researchers from the University of Bayreuth and the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation in Göttingen have investigated the movement patterns of unicellular, hydrogen-producing green algae under different light intensities. Their findings will contribute to optimising the use of these microorganisms in biotechnological applications, such as the production of renewable energy sources. The team has published its results in the…
  • Researchers investigate certificates promising sustainability for cocoa cultivation in Ghana
    Sustainability certificates such as Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and Cocoa Life promise to improve the livelihoods of small-scale cocoa producers while preserving the biodiversity on their plantations. Together with the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, researchers from the University of Göttingen have investigated whether sustainability certificates actually achieve both these goals. To find out, they carried out an analysis within…
  • Milestone in the treatment of severe heart failure
    Results from rhesus macaques provide solid ground for a first-in-human investigation of heart repair with stem cell-derived engineered heart muscle. The study is a milestone for the clinical application of the 'heart patch' as an innovative treatment option for patients with advanced heart failure. This is how the heart patch worksImplantation of a tissue engineered heart patch, called engineered heart muscle (EHM), is developed to repair the…