Hi. Thanks for the lib-ng project; it's a really nice replacement for regular zlib.
When trying to update zlib-ng from 2.0.7 to 2.1.3 in C-Blosc2 library, I am getting this (new) error:
[ 27%] Building C object blosc/CMakeFiles/blosc2_static.dir/__/internal-complibs/zlib-ng-2.1.3/adler32.c.o
In file included from /Users/faltet/blosc/c-blosc2/internal-complibs/zlib-ng-2.1.3/adler32.c:7:
In file included from /Users/faltet/blosc/c-blosc2/internal-complibs/zlib-ng-2.1.3/functable.h:9:
/Users/faltet/blosc/c-blosc2/internal-complibs/zlib-ng-2.1.3/deflate.h:212:34: error: expected parameter declarator
struct crc32_fold_s ALIGNED_(16) crc_fold;
/Users/faltet/blosc/c-blosc2/internal-complibs/zlib-ng-2.1.3/deflate.h:212:34: error: expected ')'
/Users/faltet/blosc/c-blosc2/internal-complibs/zlib-ng-2.1.3/deflate.h:212:33: note: to match this '('
struct crc32_fold_s ALIGNED_(16) crc_fold;
/Users/faltet/blosc/c-blosc2/internal-complibs/zlib-ng-2.1.3/deflate.h:212:37: error: expected ';' at end of declaration list
struct crc32_fold_s ALIGNED_(16) crc_fold;
/Users/faltet/blosc/c-blosc2/internal-complibs/zlib-ng-2.1.3/deflate.h:212:25: error: field 'ALIGNED_' declared as a function
struct crc32_fold_s ALIGNED_(16) crc_fold;
We have been triggering the zlib-ng build process from C-Blosc2 since 1.0, and it worked well so far, but not anymore with 2.1.3. Can you shed some light on what could be going on here? Thanks in advance!