Mirror all resources in admin context: on admin side special servlet simply redirects all incoming requests into the jersey context. Hides admin-only resources from user context: resource is working under admin context and return 404 on user context.
Such approach is better than registering a completely separate jersey context for admin rest because of no overhead and the simplicity of jersey extensions management.
- All user context rest available in admin context
- Admin-only resources not visible in user context
implementation 'ru.vyarus.guicey:guicey-admin-rest:{guicey.version}'
Omit version if guicey BOM used.
Register bundle:
.bundles(new AdminRestBundle());
In this case, rest is registered either to '/api/', if main context rest is mapped to root ('/') or to the same path as main context rest.
To register on a custom path:
.bundles(new AdminRestBundle("/custom/*"));
In order to hide specific resource methods or entire resources on the main context, annotate resource methods
or resource classes with the @AdminResource
For example:
public String admin() {
return "admin"
This (annotated) method will return 404 error when called from main context, but will function normally when called from the admin context.
As admin servlet just redirects to the main context, then all admin rest requests would be logged like this - - [17/Sep/2024:09:27:43 +0000] "GET /async HTTP/1.1" 200 5 "-" "Java/17.0.2" 342
If custom mapping path is used then admin requests could be identified easily: - - [17/Sep/2024:09:27:43 +0000] "GET /api/async HTTP/1.1" 200 5 "-" "Java/17.0.2" 202
(here "/async" path showed under "/api" context, whereas in the main context it is mapped on root)
If you need an additional identification, then enable it with identifyAdminContextInRequestLogs
.bundles(new AdminRestBundle().identifyAdminContextInRequestLogs());
With it all admin calls would have " (ADMIN REST)" identity appended to uri: - - [17/Sep/2024:09:32:16 +0000] "GET /api/async (ADMIN REST) HTTP/1.1" 200 5 "-" "Java/17.0.2" 202