- Fixing omitting & duplication issue on mongoDB streamEventsByRevision #169 thanks to ScripterSugar
- make sure revision is of correct type #167 thanks to ScripterSugar
- tingodb: use default implementation for getNewId
- Bugfix/emit eventstore event without callback #151 thanks to DaNautilus
- Feature: optionally emit eventstore before and after events #149 thanks to DaNautilus
- update deps
- replace deprecated mongodb methods with suggested replacements
- revisit the position option, to make it mappable to payload and part of the commit flow
- add non-breaking, optional position in store option for mongodb and inmemory implementations
- add streamEventsByRevision method to the streaming api thanks to nanov
- Introduce stream API for getEvents and getEventsSince and add mongodb implementation thanks to nanov
- remove deprecated option max_attempts from redis options
- Fix concurrency issue in createTableIfNotExists (DynamoDB) #118 thanks to DannyRyman
- compatibility with new mongodb version (3.x)
- Fix sort key/range key ordering in dynamodb events table #115 thanks to chriscosgriff
- Optionally enable dynamodb stream on the events table #113 thanks to chriscosgriff
- fix DynamoDB concurrency #110 thanks to DannyRyman
- fixing dynamodb DocumentClient initialization #109 thanks to Glockenbeat
- fix for new mongodb driver
- update deps
- dynamodb: changed addEvents to use sequential async methods instead of parallel #93 thanks to developmentalmadness
- improve event revision accuracy in redis, to avoid revisions duplications for an aggregate #91 thanks to rehia
- ability to use custom elasticsearch client in the elasticsearch storage #88 thanks to evereq
- redis snapshots are retrieved recursively to match 'max revision' option #89 thanks to rehia
- Ensuring concurrency for dynamodb #87 thanks to developmentalmadness
- Optional dispatch table for dynamodb #86 thanks to developmentalmadness
- Early abort when events were fetched without limit and calling next #81 thanks to johanneslumpe
- dynamodb store implementation #75 and #78 thanks to developmentalmadness
- This resolves an issue where the maximum call stack size could be hit when processing 1000s of undispatched events on startup #74 thanks to ben-moore
- redis, mongodb: call disconnect on ping error
- Support mongo connection string #70 #68 thanks to danwkennedy and mmmdreg
- redis, mongodb: call disconnect on ping error
- inmemory: keep events immutable #67 thanks to hilkeheremans
- redis: added optional heartbeat
- update azure dependencies
- Adding getLastEvent support in azure table provider #64 thanks to sbiaudet
- added Elasticsearch support #59 thanks to gerbenmeyer
- added getLastEvent and getLastEventAsStream function
- redis: fix for new redis lib
- give possibility to use mongodb with authSource
- added possibility to getUndispatchedEvents by query
- optimization for
npm link
'ed development
- redis: replace .keys() calls with .scan() calls => scales better
- added possibility to map/copy some values of the raw-event to the real event
- added possibility to fetch all events since a date
- IMPORTANT for redis: the keys have a new format
- mongodb: added possibility to repair failed transaction (insert of multiple events) from outside
- performance improvements in inmemory and mongodb store #31 thanks to surlemur
- IMPORTANT for mongodb: removed data compatibility for events older v1.0.0
- performance improvements in inmemory store
- fix inmemory store
- fix usage with own db implementation #29
- fix usage with own db implementation #27
- mongodb get all events fix #20 thanks to nikolaylukyanchuk
- mongodb get all events fix #20 thanks to nikolaylukyanchuk
- little fix for redis
- optimized indexes
- optimized getSnapshot when using versioning of same revision
- refactored whole module
- added possibility to define aggregateId, aggregate and context
- added a lot of tests
- stabilized everything
- optimized performance
- mongodb legacy data should be usable to (so you can update from eventstore.mongodb to eventstore) without migrating data
- IMPORTANT: changed API!!!
- make using of eventDispatcher configurable
- map getUndispatchedEvents and setEventToDispatched to eventstore
- optimized storage initialization
- forking of event dispatching is configurable now
- removed couchDb implementation
- rewritten tests in mocha and expect.js
- updated to node.js 0.6.15
- simplified API for storage usage
- if possible fork dispatching to own childprocess
- optimized lastRevision handling
- eventstreams
- snapshoting
- get all events with paging for replay
- console.logger
- db implementations for mongoDb, couchDb, redis