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This file summarizes notable changes for each release, but does not describe internal changes unless they are particularly exciting. For complete details please see the corresponding milestones and their associated issues.

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.7.0

This is a compatibility-breaking release, although most source code should compile unmodified.

The big changes are improvements in resource safety:

  • Replaced MonadError-based guarantee with bracket, which prevents potential resource leakage when using cancelable IO; and improves transactor resource safety by using Resource. The migration guide contains slightly more information. Thanks Sam Guymer for these updates!
  • Fragment concatenation and derived combinators like are now stacksafe, so you can now have gigantic IN clauses. This required API changes in Param, Fragment, Update[0] and Query[0] but these should not affect most users.

New features:

  • At long last there is a doobie-quill module that allows constructing ConnectionIO values via Quill quotes. See the new book chapter for examples. Many thanks to Alex Ioffe and Chris Davenport for their assistance!

And an assortment of other improvements:

  • Postgis has been upgraded to v2.3.0. Thanks Erlend Hamnaberg!
  • Added support for Scala 2.13.0-M5, many thanks to Sam Guymer for setting this up!
  • TypeTag constraint on Analyzable has been relaxed to WeakTypeTag. Thanks nigredo-tori!
  • New syntax allows .transact on OptionT and EitherT of ConnectionIO, rolling back in the failure cases. Thanks Julien Truffaut!
  • Postgres now supports arrays of Scala BigDecimal. Thanks Nicolas Rémond!
  • Most calls to throw have been replaced with raiseError, which allows doobie to work with effect types that don't catch. Thanks Sam Guymer!
  • Some things in the build were preventing doobie from cooperating with the community build. This has been fixed, thanks Seth Tisue!
  • Text[Char] instance was added for Postgres COPY FROM STDIN. Thanks Dermot Haughey!
  • You can now create a HikariTransactor from a HikariConfig. Thanks Yuriy Badalyantc!
  • Thanks to Harry Laoulakos and Daan Hoogenboezem for documentation updates!
  • Fragment combinators now parenthesize arguments so associativity in Scala is reflected in generated SQL. Thanks Katrix!

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.6.0

Many thanks to Arber Shabhasa, Bjørn Madsen, Chris Davenport, Cody Allen, Dmitry Polienko, Kai(luo) Wang, Kevin Walter, Mark Canlas, and Quang Le Hong for their contributions to this release.

❗ This is a major update with breaking changes. Please read the following notes carefully.

Transactors and Threading

Prior to 0.6.x doobie had nothing to say about threading; it was up to users to shift interpreted IO programs onto dedicated pools if desired. This has changed. We now identify three distinct execution contexts that are relevant to database applications.

  1. All non-blocking work is performed on the execution context identified by ContextShift[F]. If you are using IOApp (which you should) this instance is provided for you. All interpreters (and thus all transactors) need this instance on construction.
  2. Requesting a JDBC connection is a blocking operation, so to avoid deadlock these requests cannot be placed in competition with running programs (which need to make progress in order to finish up and return their connections to the pool). Therefore we need a distinct, bounded, blocking execution context for the single purpose of awaiting database connections. All transactors that use a connection pool will require this execution context to be specified.
  3. All JDBC primitive operations are [potentially] blocking, so we need a distinct, typically unbounded (since the connection context above provides a logical bound) execution context for scheduling these operations. All transactors that use a connection pool will require this execution context to be specified.

For convenience we provide an ExecutionContexts module that provides Resources yielding the kinds of ExecutionContexts that will tend to be useful for the scenarios above. Note that DriverManagerTransactor provides an unbounded number of connections and is unsuitable for production use anyway, so we do not require the blocking pools here (it uses an unbounded pool internally). Fine for testing but don't use it in real life.

See the book chapter on Managing Connections for more information and examples.

Streams and Resources

In 0.5.x we provided some single-element Streams that would emit values and guarantee resource cleanup. This has been generalized as Resource in cats-effect 1.x, and all such constructors (H2Transactor.newH2Transactor for example) now use Resource rather than Stream. You can use Stream.resource(rsrc) to regain the old functionality if desired.

Splitting of read/write functionality.

Prior to the 0.6.x series we provided two typeclasses for bidirectional type mapping:

  • Meta defined nullable mappings between column/parameter values and scala types.
  • Composite defined null-safe mappings betwen column/parameter vectors and scala types.

Starting with version 0.6.0 type mappings are unidirectional:

  • Meta has been split into Get and Put typeclasses, for reads and writes of column/parameter values, respectively.
  • Composite has been split into Read and Write typeclasses, for reads and writes of column/parameter vectors, respecitively.

Note that Meta does still exist, but only as a mechanism for introducing Get/Put pairs. An implicit Meta[A] induces both an implicit Get[A] and an implicit Put[A], and the old mechanism of Meta[A].imap(...)(...) is still supported for this purpose. The xmap method has been replaced with parametric imap and TypeTag-constrained timap. Prefer timap when possible because it yields better diagnostic information when typechecking queries.

To summarize:

0.5.x 0.6.x Notes
[A: Meta] [A: Get : Put] Or just one, depending on usage.
[A: Composite] [A: Read : Write] Or just one, depending on usage.
Meta[A].xmap(..) Meta[A].timap(...) Or imap when a TypeTag is unavailable.
Composite[A].xmap(...) Read[A].map(...)
This takes two steps now.

Please refer to book chapter on Custom Mappings and the examples project for more details.

Other Changes

  • postgres-circe module created exposing Get and Put instances for io.circe.Json
  • upgraded to cats-effect 1.0 and fs2 1.0

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.5.3

Minor updates, see below.

  • Updated to refined 0.9, fs2 0.10.4, Hikari 3.1.0, ScalaCheck 1.14.0, and Specs2 4.2.0.
  • Added .execWith method to Fragment, allowing for custom handling of the associated statement.
  • Added pure to generated algebras, so you can now say FC.pure(1) instead of 1.pure[ConnectionIO] if you like. Thanks wedens!
  • Added an example of generic DAOs for simple schemas. See Orm.scala in the example project.
  • Minor doc updates.

This is the last planned release in the 0.5.x series. Work will start soon on 0.6!

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.5.2

Minor updates, see below.

  • Added experimental support for Blazing Fast™ inserts in Postgres via COPY ... FROM STDIN. See book Chapter 15 for an example.
  • Introduced MiMa for checking binary compatibility. Note that for the 0.5.x series we will guarantee compatibility for Scala 2.12 only.
  • FirstExample now actually shows output! Thanks Aaron Hawley.
  • Added pgEnumStringOpt for transparently partial pgEnum decoding. Thanks Christopher Davenport!
  • Added Composite.deriveComposite[A]() which creates a "semi-automatic" derivation of Composite[] for a given type A. While instances are usually derived automatically, this can be used to speed up compilation by only deriving once. It can also be used to avoid needing Meta[] instances in scope or derivable at every site where a given Composite[A] is used. Thanks Scott Parish!

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.5.1

Minor update to get dependencies up to date.

  • Updated to fs2 0.10.2, hikari-cp 2.7.8, and specs2 4.0.3.
  • You can now do .stripMargin on fragments, thanks to Arne Claassen!

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.5.0

This introduces the 0.5.x series which standardizes on cats, cats-effect, and fs2. This is a big release that will make life much simpler for people who were using 0.4.x with cats. See the migration document on the microsite for more information.

Many thanks to Andreas Svanberg, Bjørn Madsen, Charles Hunt, Christopher Davenport, Dale Wijnand, Devin Ekins, Dmitry Polienko, Earl St Sauver, fabio labella, Frank S. Thomas, Hossam Karim, Jisoo Park, Keir Lawson, Mads Hartmann, nigredo-tori, Radu Gancea, sh0hei, Stephen Lazaro, tgalappathth, wedens, and x1- for their contributions to this release!

Notable changes:

Cats Standardization
  • 🎵 Ding, dong the yax is dead! 🎵 The new codebase is based on cats!
  • The -cats segment of artifact names is gone. doobie-core uses cats now, as does everything else.
API Changes
  • Rather than foo.imports._ for both names and implicits, there are now distinct imports foo._, foo.implicits._. The old foo.imports._ still works but is deprecated.
  • Syntax classes are now organized as in cats. Much cleaner but end users probably won't notice.
  • Composite[A] now implies Composite[Option[A]] which is a very useful change. It means joins can be expressed much more easily. See Join.scala in the example project.
Project Structure, Build, Etc.
  • The doc has been ported to sbt-microsites.
  • FreeGen2 code generator now generates all effect types with cats.effect.Async instances, in preparation for transactors that can make use of distinct thread pools for certain operations (JDBC primitives for instance). Free algebras and interpreters for Postgres are also generated now.
  • Added WartRemover finally.
  • The release process is much better, so releases can be more frequent. Version numbers appearing in the doc are now supplied automatically.

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.4.4

This release fixes an issue with HikariTransactor (thanks Naoki Aoyama) and supersedes the botched 0.4.3 release.

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.4.3

This was a failed attempt to add back support for 2.10. Do not use this release.

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.4.2

Sparkly contributors for this release are ✨ n4to4, ✨ Alexa DeWit, ✨ wedens, ✨ Colt Frederickson, ✨ Benjamin Trenker, ✨ nigredo-tori, ✨ Suhas Gaddam, ✨ Christopher Davenport, ✨ Damir Vandic, ✨ Jacob Barber, and 🐔 tpolecat. Noteworthy changes:

  • Dropped support for 2.10 because I can't figure out how to publish it.
  • Replaced all the internals with a new design that makes it practical to write your own interpreter (or, more commonly, subclass the default one) which is very useful for testing and who knows what else. For most users this will not be an observable change.
  • Switched to a new transactor design that makes it simple to customize behavior, and combined with new interpreter design makes it practical to use doobie types in free coproducts (see coproduct.scala in the example project). This is a minor breaking change:
    • The yolo member on Transactor is no longer stable, so you cannot import xa.yolo._ anymore; instead you must say val y = xa.yolo; import y._. Because this is typically done with initialCommands in sbt it's unlikely to be a big deal.
    • Transactor is now a final case class with an extra type member for the underlying pool or other connection source.
  • Note that the interpreter/transactor changes require Monad instances at a few more call sites, which should be transparent in most cases but may require Cats users to import fs2.interop.cats._ here and there … if scalac is claiming there's no instance available after upgrading that's probably why.
  • Added support for type refinements (refined library). See the doobie-refined and doobie-refined-cats modules.
  • Added a fail constructor to all the F* modules.
  • Made Meta.nxmap unnecessary and fixed issues with mappings that are undefined for zero values of underlying unboxed types.
  • Added mapping for Postgres hstore type.
  • Make postgres enums nullable (change Atom instance to Meta).
  • Generalized QueryChecker and AnalysisSpec to allow any effect type.
  • Added stream and streamWithChunkSize as fs2 friendly aliases on Query.
  • Fix parsing of JDBC type TimestampWithTimezone (introduced in JDK 8).
  • Added Suspendable instance for PGConnectionIO
  • Added an Unknown constructor to JdbcType for JDBC type constants outside the spec and known extensions.
  • Generalized the underlying structure of Meta/Composite and eliminated Atom. Client code that uses Atom will need to be re-implemented in terms of Meta or Composite.
  • Added Fragment.const0 for constant fragments with no trailing space, while const now does add a trailing space. Users of Fragment.const may need/wish to change to const0.
  • Manifest replaced with TypeTag in doobie.util.invariant.
  • Improved H2 UUID Support. Query analysis involving H2 and UUIDs should no longer show a type mismatch.

In addition the following libraries were updated:

  • sbt 0.13.15
  • Scala 2.10.6, 2.11.11, 2.12.3
  • scalaz 7.2.9
  • PostgreSQL JDBC driver 42.1.1
  • Hikari 2.6.1
  • Circe 0.8.0

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.4.1

This release updates doobie to Cats 0.9 and the associated fs2-cats interop layer to 0.3, courtesy of mighty space robot Adelbert Chang. There are no other changes.

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.4.0

This was intended to be a quick follow-up to 0.3.0 but it got a little out of hand and turned into a major release. Please read these notes carefully because there are some breaking changes relative to 0.3.0.

Eighteen people contributed to this release, of whom seventeen were not tpolecat. They are sparkly and awesome. In no particular order, many many thanks to ✨ Channing Walton ✨ Daniel Wunsch ✨ Gary Coady ✨ Tristan Lohman ✨ Jisoo Park ✨ Yury Liavitski ✨ Ikhoon Eom ✨ Marek Kadek ✨ Leif Wickland ✨ Zack Powers ✨ Kris Nuttycombe ✨ Pepe García ✨ Peter Neyens ✨ ritschwumm ✨ ronanM ✨ Sam Ritchie ✨ and wedens. ✨

Cats Support

This is probably the most important development for 0.4.0 and it is due in large part to the hard work of ✨ Jisoo Park ✨. Impossibly huge thanks for his work throughout this process.

  • doobie is now built natively for Cats with fs2, with no need for a shim/adapter layer. At the moment this is accomplished via a preprocessor.
  • All artifacts are built for Cats. Names are suffixed with -cats, so the scalaz version is doobie-core and the Cats version is doobie-core-cats.
  • The book of doobie is now published in separate editions for scalaz and Cats.
Changes to Core
  • There is now support for simple statement logging with timing information. This is not the long-promised structured logging feature but it fits the common use case and fills a clear functional gap. See the book chapter for details and examples.
  • The dynamic SQL story is now slightly better with the introduction of composable statement fragments. These allow you to build statements from smaller pieces without having to track parameter placeholders/offsets by hand. See the book chapter for details and examples.
  • SQL IN clauses are now handled via, which is a breaking change relative to 0.3.0. See the book chapter on parameterized queries for an example.
  • Methods on Query[0]/Update[0] that construct streams (.process) now have variants that allow you to specify the chunk size, which by default is 512 rows.
  • There is now an IO data type that you can use if you're having a hard time settling on a target effect type. It works identically in Cats and scalaz and is what's used in the book.
Changes to Add-On Modules

We cleaned up the add-on modules a bit and made some naming simplifications that are breaking relative to 0.3.0.

  • There is now a ScalaTest add-on. See the book chapter on unit testing for details and examples.
  • The contrib segment has been removed from module names, so doobie-contrib-h2 is now just doobie-h2. It has also been removed from package names. So doobie.contrib.h2 is now just doobie.h2.
  • In both cases the postgresql segment has been shortened to postgres.
  • All modules now have a consistent import story. import doobie.<module>.imports._ should get you everything you need.

That's it! Enjoy the release. Once again many thanks to our contributors.

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.3.0

This release brings doobie up to date with major dependencies, almost entirely due to the hard work of @guersam. The release is otherwise equivalent to 0.2.4 from a feature standpoint.


  • Updated to scalaz 7.2
  • Updated to shapeless 2.3
  • Updated to JDK 1.8
  • Added build support Scala 2.12

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.2.4

This is a minor release with a few odds and ends and an important library update.


  • You can now construct a HikariTransactor from an existing HikariDataSource (thanks @raulraja).
  • There is now a .nel accumulator for non-empty resultsets (thanks @refried).
  • Arrays of UUIDs are now supported for PostgreSQL (thanks @veegee).
  • Published jarfiles now have OSGi headers.
  • Some internal cleanup but nothing that should affect end users.


  • Updated to scalaz-stream 0.8 (thanks @guersam).

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.2.3

This release includes more performance work and some usability improvements, as well as documentation improvements here and there. This release should be source-compatible for most users, but is not binary compatible with 0.2.2 or any other release. Let me know if you run into source compatibilty problems. Special thanks to @mdmoss for build improvements, @fommil and @non for help with Sonatype, and everyone else for your continued interest and contributions!


  • doobie is now published on Sonatype and no longer requires a Bintray resolver.
  • The free modules now provide natural transformations of the form FooIO ~> Kleisli[M, Foo, ?] and Foo => FooIO ~> M, which should make life easier when using doobie with existing JDBC resources (your own Connection for example).
  • New optimized column-vector reads and accumulators for IList and standard library collections via CanBuildFrom yield performance generally indistinguishable from raw JDBC. The Query/Query0 operations to, list, and vector are now very fast. Result handling via Process benefits to a lesser extent.
  • Composite instances are now available for shapeless record types.
  • Atom instances are now available for single-element product types (thanks @wedens and @refried).
  • DriverManagerTransactor now includes constructors corresponding to all getConnection methods on DriverManager.
  • free algebras and interpreters have been re-implemented to use method dispatch rather than large match expressions, resulting in minor performance improvements throughout. This completes the work started in 0.2.2.
  • The sql interpolator now supports interpolated sequences for SQL IN clauses. See Chapter 5 for more information.
  • The book of doobie now includes a FAQ Chapter.
  • The example project now includes some PostgreSQL CopyManager examples (thanks @wedens).

Big Fixes:

  • The PostGIS dependency was pulling in unnecessary transitive dependencies that caused problems with sbt-assembly. This has been fixed.


  • Updated to Scala 2.11.7
  • Updated to shapeless 2.2.5
  • Updated to scalaz-stream 0.7.2a
  • Updated to specs2-core 3.6
  • Updated to tut 0.4.0 (build-time dependency only)
  • Updated to sbt 0.13.8 (build-time dependency only)
  • Updated to kind-projector 0.7.1 (build-time dependency only)

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.2.2

This is another minor release that adds yet more support PostgreSQL-specific features, updates dependencies, and improves performance for resultset processing. Thanks everyone for your continued interest and contributions!


  • Added HC.updateManyWithGeneratedKeys and associated syntax on Update to allow batch updates to return updated rows. See Chapter 7 for an example.
  • Added algebras and free monads thereof for PostgreSQL vendor-specific driver APIs, which allows doobie to directly support LISTEN/NOTIFY, COPY FROM STDIN and a number of other interesting features. See Chapter 13 for details and examples.


  • Huge improvements to the implementation of the sql interpolator, courtesy of @milessabin. This removes the last remaining arity limit.
  • Added examples for PostgreSQL-specific error handling combinators. See Chapter 13 for more information.
  • Added Unapply instances to make the Monad instance for FreeC and associated syntax conversions inferrable. For now these are on the doobie.imports module.
  • Significant performance improvements for resultset processing, with .list and .vector now ~4.5x faster and .process ~2.5x faster. This work is ongoing.


  • Updated to Scala 2.10.5
  • Updated to shapeless 2.2.0 (thanks @milessabin)
  • Updated to scalaz-stream 0.7a
  • Updated to PostgreSQL JDBC driver 9.4-1201-jdbc41
  • Updated to Specs2 3.6 (thanks @etorrebore)

New and Noteworthy for Version 0.2.1

This is a minor follow-up release, primarily to add support for some PostgreSQL features and other odds and ends reported by users. Thanks to users and contributors for their help!


  • Added Transactor to wrap an existing DataSource. See Chapter 12 for more information.
  • Added support for PostGIS and PostgreSQL enum types. See Chapter 13 for more information.
  • Added combinators for batch updates. See Chapter 7 for more information.
  • Added Composite support for HList; anywhere you could map a product or tuple type in 0.2.0 you can now also use a shapeless HList.
  • Added Atom support for scalaz.Maybe; anywhere you could map an Option type in 0.2.0 you can now also use Maybe.
  • Added .optionT method on Query and Query0.
  • Added an example that exposes a PostgreSQL NOTIFY channel as an scalaz-stream Process.


  • The 22-parameter limit on the sql interpolator has been increased to 50, and should go away entirely by 0.3.0 at the latest. There are no other arity limits in doobie.
  • All Query and Update constructions are now supported for typechecking with Specs2 and YOLO mode.
  • Many improvements in book of doobie.
  • Tidied up examples a bit.


  • Updated to Scala 2.11.6.
  • Updated to scalaz 7.1.1 and scalaz-stream 0.6a
  • Updated to tut 0.3.1 (build only; not user-facing).
  • Updated to Specs2 3.9.4

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed problem with typechecking BOOLEAN column mappings.
  • Fixed driver classloading problem with HikariTransactor.