Derek Merck
Sets up a Splunk instance, exposes ports 8000 and 8089, changes admin password, and creates a perseus
Startup a PERSEUS index:
$ cd perseus/DockerSplunk
$ export SPLUNK_PWORD=passw0rd
$ docker-compose up
Load some sample data:
$ docker cp samples/x00-01-06232016b.json dockersplunk_splunk_1:/sample.json
$ docker exec dockersplunk_splunk_1 /opt/splunk/bin/splunk add oneshot "/sample.json" -sourcetype _json -index perseus -host sample1 -auth admin:${SPLUNK_PWORD}
For data files that don't have timestamp at the front of each message, you may need to manually change the timestamp extraction for _json to look for the "timestamp" field before importing the data.
Uses docker container maintained by outcoldman/splunk