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Firebase Messaging Quickstart

The Firebase Messaging iOS Quickstart app demonstrates how to connect an iOS app to FCM and how to receive messages.


Best Practices

  • In this sample the request for permission to receive remote notifications is made on first run, this results in a permission dialog on first run. Most apps would want that dialog to be shown at a more appropriate time. So move the registration for remote notifications to a more appropriate place in your app.

Getting Started

  • Add APNS certs to your project in Project Settings > Notifications in the console
  • Run pod install
  • Copy in the GoogleServices-Info.plist to your project
  • Update the app Bundle ID in Xcode to match the Bundle ID of your APNs cert.
  • Run the sample on your iOS device.


  • You will need Swift 3.0 to run the Swift version of this quickstart.
  • APS Environment Entitlements are required for remote notifications as of Xcode 8. Ensure that Push Notifications are on without error in App > Capabilities.




Copyright 2016 Google, Inc.

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.