As the title implies, I want to limit how resolutions are upscaled. Example, if I wanted to upscale 240p to 480i and not 480p, can I do this? Or if want to only upscale 240p signals to 480p? I have a use case where I don't want my existing 480i and 480p input signals to be touched, but due to an incompatibility for 240p signals on a television, I just want to upscale the 240p signals if possible. Also, can I disable the deinterlacing aspects at will or is it always forced on? I do video captures, and I already wrote up my own deinterlacing scripts for post editing, I would rather stick with that if I can.
My questions may raise some eyebrows, but I'm working on a complex setup, and I need some really tuned option capabilities for it. So please, regardless of whether or not it makes sense to you, I only come with questions in hopes of getting answers, nothing more. I appreciate any potential responses.