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Firebase Foreign Data Wrapper

This is a foreign data wrapper for Firebase developed using Wrappers.

This FDW currently supports reading below data from Firebase:

  1. Authentication Users
  2. Firestore Database documents


This FDW requires pgrx, please refer to its installation page to install it first.

After pgrx is installed, run below command to install this FDW.

cargo pgrx install --pg-config [path_to_pg_config] --features firebase_fdw

Basic usage

These steps outline how to use the this FDW locally:

  1. Clone this repo
git clone
  1. Run it using pgrx with feature:
cd wrappers/wrappers
cargo pgrx run --features firebase_fdw
  1. Create the extension, foreign data wrapper and related objects:
-- create extension
create extension wrappers;

-- create foreign data wrapper and enable 'FirebaseFdw'
create foreign data wrapper firebase_wrapper
  handler firebase_fdw_handler
  validator firebase_fdw_validator;

-- Below we're using the service account key stored in Vault, if you don't want
-- to use Vault, you can directly specify the service account key in `sa_key`
-- option but it is less secure. For example,
-- create server my_firebase_server
--   foreign data wrapper firebase_wrapper
--   options (
--     sa_key '
--     {
--        "type": "service_account",
--        "project_id": "your_gcp_project_id",
--        ...
--     }
--    ',
--     project_id 'firebase_project_id',
--   );

-- save Firebase service account json in Vault and get its key id
select pgsodium.create_key(name := 'firebase');
insert into vault.secrets (secret, key_id) values ('
  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "your_gcp_project_id",
(select id from pgsodium.valid_key where name = 'firebase')
) returning key_id;

-- create server and specify custom options
do $$
  key_id text;
  select id into key_id from pgsodium.valid_key where name = 'firebase' limit 1;

  execute format(
    E'create server my_firebase_server \n'
    '   foreign data wrapper firebase_wrapper \n'
    '   options ( \n'
    '     sa_key_id ''%s'', \n'
    '     project_id ''firebase_project_id'' \n'
    ' );',
end $$;

-- create an example foreign table
create foreign table firebase_users (
  uid text,
  email text,
  created_at timestamp,
  attrs jsonb
  server my_firebase_server
  options (
    object 'auth/users'

create foreign table firebase_docs (
  name text,
  created_at timestamp,
  updated_at timestamp,
  attrs jsonb
  server my_firebase_server
  options (
    object 'firestore/user-profiles'  -- format: 'firestore/[collection_id]'
  1. Run a query to check if it is working:
select * from firebase_users;
select * from firebase_docs;


Server options

Below are the options can be used in CREATE SERVER:

  1. sa_key - service account key in JSON format, required if sa_key_id not specified
  2. sa_key_id - service account id stored in Vault, required if sa_key not specified
  3. project_id - Firebase project ID, required
  4. access_token - OAuth2 token to access Firebase, optional

Foreign table options

Below are the options can be used in CREATE FOREIGN TABLE:

  1. object, required

    • For Authentication users, it is fixed to auth/users.
    • For Firestore database, its format is firestore/[collection_id], for example, firestore/user-profiles.
  2. base_url - base URL of Firebase API, optional

  3. limit - maximum number of rows to read, optional, default is 10,000


  • Firebase Storage is not supported, please refer to Firebase to Supabase migration guide to learn more about how to read its data out.
  • WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT pushdown are not supported.


Version Date Notes
0.1.3 2023-09-20 Error reporting refactoring
0.1.2 2023-07-13 Added fdw stats collection
0.1.1 2022-12-07 Added validator function
0.1.0 2022-11-30 Initial version