First we need to generate the device-specific NixOS Installer with SSH and NetworkManager support. To generate the installer you can run:
nix build .#installer-iso-<hostname>
Once booted, the system can be installed running the script install-system
WARNING: all device data will be lost.
For Debian-based systems we need to have curl
, rsync
, zsh
, xz-utils
and git-core
before proceeding. Use:
sudo apt install -y curl git-core
The user must use zsh
as shell so do it using:
sudo usermod -s /bin/zsh otavio
Install the daemon inside the existing operating system with:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
Finally, clone this repository as:
mkdir -p ~/src
git clone ~/src/nix-config
Add the required channels to the environment, using:
home-manager switch --flake '.#otavio@generic-x86'