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👋 I'm Event Sourcing and .NET OSS practitioner 👷
You may know me from my Event Sourcing tutorials or you've read my blog. We could meet after one of my conference talks or my online webinars, or we're just starting our friendship.
🔥 My mission is to build tools to help have fun while efficiently delivering systems to productions. I also want to pass my pragmatic approach and let others learn from my mistakes instead of their own.
My main projects:
- 👨🔬 Emmett - a Node.js library taking your event-driven applications back to the future!
- 🐶 Pongo - Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits
- ⚡ Event Sourcing in .NET tutorials
- ⚡ Event Sourcing in Node.js tutorials
- ⚡ Event Sourcing in Java tutorials
- 📝 Architecture Weekly Newsletter
You can also check my LinkedIn profile.
I was involved in past in:
- 🐿️ Marten
- 🐉 EventStoreDB
- 👁️ GoldenEye
🙏 If you used my tools, learned from my resources and would like to help me make my community work sustainable - a monthly contribution would mean A WHOLE LOT. GitHub stars and Nuget downloads don't pay the bills. Hopefully, with your support, I'll be continuing my community work and do it not only in overtime 😛
You can support my work at Github sponsors.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Emmett, 🐶 Pongo
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: Postgres WAL
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Event Sourcing projects
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with making my OSS work sustainable - see Github sponsors
- 💬 Ask me about Event Sourcing, software architecture and pragmatic development
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn, Email
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: My favourite movie is "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"