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Khalil Heyrani Khalilheyrani6367
Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

Michael David Smith micdavsmith
Community's engagement leader and event coordinator. Human-centered designer and design justice work. Interests in comparative language, culture, economics.

Austin, TX, USA

Samandar Abdullaev abdu11aev-samandar
This is my GitHub account portfolio and I save everything I do here. I'm a PHP web developer since 2021.

UzInfocom Uzbekistan

Himanshu Singh Himanshu-370
what the bug

Visakhapatnam, India

Surya Teja Josyula SuryaTejJosyula
Gamer, Nerd, Streaming enthusiast
