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electronics engineer, hardware-, software-, firmware-developer

Linz, Austria

Amano Fuon asfuon
the projector is a cliff of language, leaping down from the tower of typology.

@alphayou Hangzhou, CN

Zigao Wang ZigaoWang
A passionate student developer and tech enthusiast from China

YK Pao School Shanghai, China

logia timvuon
mathematical logical

viet nam

刘天虎 liutianhu


Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Jorge Luis Jolitechrdcoder

MecatronicosRD Dominican Republic

Altim AltimLi

Quectel China,hefei

Soheil NAZARI NazTechs
Linux and FPGA Lover, Electronics Engineer Software Devloper

@elltechs Belgium

John Lindahl LindahlJ
Owner Liquid Fusion LLC

Liquid Fusion LLC Atlanta

Sui Lin inkhog
XIDIAN University EE Student, committed to applying for Github Student Development Kit
Lucas Oliver lroliver03
I'm an electrical engineering student at Unicamp. I have experience with software testing and like to code.


Renato Augusto Corrêa dos Santos SantosRAC
Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology | Bioinformatician. Post-doc researcher in the Laboratories LabBCES (Brazil) and the Wallace Lab (Georgia, US)

University of Georgia Athens, GA

Manuel Handta Manjas78
Medical technology engineer focusing on detectors, radiation protection, AI, and robotics. Passionate about innovative healthcare solutions.


liuyuchen jiangkoumo
I am college student at Hubei university of education in data science and python

Hubei university of education China

Simon Holm Frandsen sfrandsen

OCN Consult Aps Odense, Denmark