This repo contains public circleci orbs in the ovotech namespace.
Orbs follow the conventions:
Directory named the same as the orb
A single Dockerfile in the executor directory (unless you specify publish-docker-image:false)
The orb yaml is in a file name
Published in the ovotech namespace
file may exist in an orb directory containing the version of the orb. (A new version is only published when the version changes)
- ovotech/aws-get-parameters@1 - Get parameters from AWS Parameter Store.
- ovotech/aws-rotate-keys@1 - Rotate AWS access keys and update corresponding CircleCI environment variables.
- ovotech/clair-scanner@1 - Scan Docker images for vulnerabilities.
- ovotech/rac-gcp-deply@1 - Deploy Scala services to a Kubernetes cluster running in Google Cloud.
- ovotech/terraform@1 - Plan and apply Terraform modules.
Other orbs in the ovotech namespace:
- ovotech/shipit@1 - Run shipit and record deployments to