title | date |
A Simple Counter Example of Joint Functoriality |
2019-07-18 |
A bifunctor is a functor whose source is a product category. In Haskell,
bifunctors have the bimap
class Bifunctor p where
bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
The laws for bimap
bimap id id = id
bimap (f . f') (g . g') = bimap f f' . bimap g g'
which are nothing but a reiteration of functoriality.
Bartosz Milewski, in one of his blog posts,
mentioned that functoriality in each argument does not imply joint functoriality
(i.e., the above bimap
laws). However, he didn't provide an example. Here
I'm going to show a simple example that proves
bimap (f . f') (g . g') = bimap f f' . bimap g g'
bimap f (g . g') = bimap f g . bimap f g' Λ
bimap (f . f') g = bimap f g . bimap f' g
In words, bimap
jointly preserving composition does not follow from preserving
composition in each argument. Note that variables in all three equations above
are universally quantified.
The example is in a category with a single object: a set of two elements {A, B}
, and
two arrows: the function id
, and the function const A
. Arrows are composed via
regular function composition. Define bimap
bimap f g = if f == id || g == id then id else const A
now, let f = g' = id
and f' = g = const A
. Then we have
bimap (f . f') (g . g') = bimap (const A) (const A) = const A
bimap f g . bimap f' g' = id . id = id
Therefore bimap
does not jointly preserve composition, and so is not a bifunctor.
However, bimap
does preserve composition in each argument. Suppose we fix f
- If
f = id
:bimap f (g . g') = id = bimap f g . bimap f g'
- If
f = const A
, and at least one ofg
(without loss of generality, supposeg = id
):bimap f (g . g') = bimap f g' = bimap f g . bimap f g'
- If
f = g = g' = const A
:bimap f (g . g') = bimap (const A) (const A) = const A = bimap f g . bimap f g'
This shows that bimap
preserves composition in the second argument. By symmetry, it
also preserves composition in the first argument.
A mapping from a product category to another category is not necessarily a bifunctor if it only preserves composition in each argument, since this does not imply preserving composition jointly.