This is a first pass at creating an AMPL executable for the PETSc solver library, allowing PETSc to be used with Pyomo via the AMPL Solver Library (ALS). This version supports the TS (time-stepping) and SNES (nonlinear) solvers; however in the future TAO (optimization) solvers and additional features may also be supported.
The solver wrapper build uses the PETSc build system. On Linux, compile PETSc with the desired features ( The ASL can be obtained from Before building the wrapper set the following environment variables:
- ASL_INC - directory with ASL header files
- ASL_LIB - ASL library file
- PETSC_DIR - see PETSc docs
- PETSC_ARCH - see PETSc docs
The SNES solvers can be used with Pyomo to solve sets of nonlinear equations as a standard AMPL solver. Tools to use the time stepping solver with Pyomo.DAE are under development as part of the IDAES project, and example can be found there (IDAES/idaes-pse#552).