You will find Published report of this project here in Rpubs.
Exploring univariate statistics in R.It takes the data, summarizes that data and finds patterns in the data.
This mini project involves learning the basic terminologies of univariate statistics in R.
It involves the following:
1.Analysing and finding mean,median,mode,sd,quatile ranges of a dataset.
2.Loading library psych and learning its functionality for storing statistical summaries in data frames.
3.Plotting boxplots and histograms.
4.Summarising categorical data,using frequencies.
Here we use arthritis dataset and analyse the dataset using terms like crosstables,xtabs,collapsing tables and adding margins,etc.
5.Assignment: To tell whether automatic transition results in better mileage of the cars or no.(using data set mtcars)
6.Assignment: To check whetehr age impacts the arthritis patients "treated" people.(using arthritis dataset)