Describe the Issue
Provide a clear and concise description of the self-hosting issue you're experiencing.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the issue:
1、i self-host the firecrawl and crawl website '' with crawl params
but the job seems to be endless until the OOM happens to redis and the app crash
2、then i change the way using firecrawl with api-key, crawl the same website '' with same crawl params,
then everything goes well,it crawl only 10 pages
i think there must have some bug in open-source firecrawl
Expected Behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen when self-hosting.
If applicable, add screenshots or copies of the command line output to help explain the self-hosting issue.
Environment (please complete the following information):
- OS: linux
- Firecrawl Version: main branch last commit time:Mon Oct 28 20:28:30 2024 -0300
- Node.js Version: 20.11.1
If applicable, include detailed logs to help understand the self-hosting problem.
Provide relevant parts of your configuration files (with sensitive information redacted).
Additional Context
Add any other context about the self-hosting issue here, such as specific infrastructure details, network setup, or any modifications made to the original Firecrawl setup.