Direct impelementation of statistical digital signal processing algorithms from the book by the same name by Professor Monson H. Hayes.
The book represents algorithms as:
- set of instructions (pseudo-code)
- matlab code
- described in English in the textbook body
- Introduction
- Background
- Discrete-Time Random Processes
- Signal Modeling
- The Levinson Recursion
- Lattice Filters
- Optimum Filters
- Spectrum Estimation
- Adaptive Filters
- add proper reference
- lint markdown readme
- License
- Finalize test cases for all codes
- pytest-cov?
- python documentation generator
- linting workflow
- pass linting
- mypy static type checking
- Release package scripts
- stub files?
- VS code add-ons
- use matlab-equivalent psuedo-inverse ("X \ R") operation to match the book
- switch linting to Ruff?
- performance benchmarking would be cool