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Stripe Issuing and Treasury: An Embedded Finance starter application

This sample demonstrates a basic web application with embedded finance features built on Stripe’s Issuing and Treasury APIs.

Issuing and Treasury sample app card details screenshot


  • Onboard and verify business customers 🔍
  • Issue cards 💳
  • Display full card numbers with PCI compliance 🔢
  • Create financial accounts 🏦
  • Simulate test payments ⚡
  • Review transactions 📃


Deploy the sample app to the cloud

Click the button below to get started on Vercel. During setup, you will be asked to provide values for some environment variables. See information about required environment variables below to learn more about the API keys and secrets you'll need to provide.

Deploy with Vercel

Local development

You can also clone this repo and run it locally by following the steps below.

Clone the repo

Clone this repo and then run these steps inside it.

git clone && cd issuing-treasury/embedded-finance

Node.js installation

Install the required Node.js runtime. You can install it directly from the Node.js website but we recommend using a Node version manager. Most version managers can read the required version off of .node-version and install it.

If you're using the nodenv Node version manager (setup instructions for nodenv), use:

nodenv install

If you're using the popular nvm Node version manager (setup instructions for Node Version Manager), use:

nvm install

Dependency installation

Once Node.js is installed and activated, install the application's dependencies using:

npm install

Environment variables file setup

Replicate .env.example as .env using:

cp .env.example .env

Update .env to reflect:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY: Your Stripe publishable test mode API key (starts with pk_test_...).
  • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: Your Stripe secret test mode API key (starts with sk_test_...).
  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET: For JWT encryption by NextAuth.js (learn more). Use openssl rand -base64 32 to obtain a new one.
  • NEXTAUTH_URL: Your application URL, for local use you can keep the default "http://localhost:3000".
  • CONNECT_ONBOARDING_REDIRECT_URL: Your application URL, for local use you can keep the default "http://localhost:3000".

Database setup

On Mac, follow these instructions to install Postgres:

brew install postgresql@14
createuser -s postgres
createdb "$(whoami)"

You'll find more about the why you need the createuser step here.

Next, create the database with:

npx prisma migrate dev

If it errors out (perhaps due to permission issue running the Prisma CLI), simply run the included script:


This script creates a local Postgres embedded_finance database.

Application launch

After necessary setups, launch the application with npm run dev.

Note: This application serves as an example and should not proceed to production deployment as it is.

Customizing your UI with the Devias Material UI theme

This sample uses the free Devias UI kit under an MIT license, which seamlessly integrates with Material UI and React.

You can easily customize aspects of the theme like the color palette by modifying the code in /src/theme.

To build a full-featured, production-ready application we recommend the Devias Pro version, which offers additional layouts, advanced React components, pre-built dashboards, and essential TypeScript support that ensures your code remains clean, robust, and scalable.