First of all, I love this extension. It has made using VS Code such a breeze, so thank you immensely for making it available.
This may be closer to a feature request, but it would be great to have indentation options for continuation lines. There are no hard and fast rules here, but some linters call for four spaces for indents on continuation lines (e.g. Flake8 E121). That is, some linters call for using two tabs on new lines as opposed to one. To be concrete,
Minimal code example:
What the code looks like before pressing enter
long_variable_name = long_function_name(|)
What I want the code to look like after pressing enter
long_variable_name = long_function_name(
What the code actually looks like after pressing enter
long_variable_name = long_function_name(
Obviously this is subject to personal taste, but it would be great to have indentation options so e.g. the Flake8 preference could be applied by default, if desired by the user. Thanks a lot!