Check Inbox (Demo User)
- Click Mark all read
All messages are disappeared with a rainbow sticker
Check Starred
- Go to Inbox and press the star
- This message appears in Starred
- Go to any channel
- Make the same step
- Click Unstar all
- All messages are disappeared
Check Archive
- All messages from Inbox, channels, Direct messages, Private channels appear in Archive
Check Direct messages
- Go to any channel
- Write to Demo User
- Demo User is created in Direct Messages
Check Private Channels
- Create Private Channel, 123 for example
- Invite Demo User
- Go to Demo User mode
- Check this Channel appears
- Unsubscribe
- Channel is disappeared in Demo user mode
- In Admin mode Demo User left # 123
mail_private scenario:
1 .Go to Discuss menu
2. Click on message from any partner and open his form
3. Write message "Hello"
4.Click on the button Send internal message
5. Choose recepients: Demo User, for example
6. Click on Send
7. Log out
8. Log in as Demo User
9. Check Inbox and find message "Hello"
10. Repeat steps 3-7 for Demo User 2
11. Log in as Demo User
12. Open the same form
13. Check that Demo User didn't get private message adressed to Demo User2
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