I originally came because I had an issue with some uglified output in safari (for backstory its something similar to mishoo/UglifyJS#1753 but not directly related), but am now confused about how uglify options are passed to uglifyJs
After a bit of trying to configure uglify in Gruntfile.js (because I wanted to pass the safari10 flag to uglifyJs), i gave up and decided to see what happens when i call uglifyJs directly without grunt-contrib-uglify
In my original Gruntfile I was asking for compress and mangle, so when i cam to call uglifyJs directly I asked for compress and mangle, expecting to see my bug replicated.
However I was surprised to see that my uglified code was then working on safari.
So I was wondering does grunt-contrib-uglify do anything under the covers to manipulate the options passed to uglifyJs ? I've had a look myself but with little success
Or is there some logging that can be turned on to check what grunt-contrib-uglify is calling uglifyJs with ?