This application acts as a springboard to the bots running in Cloud Functions from Cloud Scheduler
By default, Cloud Run instances are deployed within your Project's VPC, and
service accounts in the project must be given the run.invoker
role in order
to actually hit the endpoint. If they are not, Cloud IAM will prevent the request
from hitting the application.
- A Google Cloud Service Account that can invoke Cloud Run
gcloud iam service-accounts create serverless-proxy-cron \
--display-name "Serverless Scheduler Proxy Cron"
- A role or binding to the Service Account
gcloud beta run services add-iam-policy-binding serverless-scheduler-proxy \
--member=serviceAccount:[email protected] \
- An AppEngine app to host the scheduler in.
gcloud app create --region=REGION
- Enable your project to create Cloud Pub/Sub authentication tokens.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT-ID \
--member=serviceAccount:[email protected] \
To use a PubSub Topic/Subscription with this proxy, it must be made with the proper Service Account
gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions create cloudRunSubscription --topic TOPICNAME \
--push-endpoint=SERVICE-URL/v0/pubsub \