Set with key type nftables.TypeIFName not working #177
opened on Aug 28, 2022
Creating a set with Type: nftables.TypeIFName seems to work, but the set acts strangely.
Sample code for set:
Table: table,
Name: "test_set",
KeyType: nftables.TypeIFName,
}, nil)
I also created a set called "manual_set" manually, and they both list:
nftables pkg set and nft cli set
% nft 'add set test_table manual_set { type ifname; }'
% nft list table test_table
table ip test_table {
set test_set {
type ifname
set manual_set {
type ifname
I then added an element into each set using nft cli and they both seem to succeed, however the set created by this package shows empty elements.
Added Elements
% nft 'add element test_table test_set { "wg0" }'
% nft 'add element test_table manual_set { "wg0" }'
% nft list table test_table ☸ kubernetes-admin@50w_k8s:argocd
table ip test_table {
set test_set {
type ifname
elements = { "" }
set manual_set {
type ifname
elements = { "wg0" }
Additionally, trying to add an element through this package fails for either table, though I do wonder if I've missed something in my code:
Attempt to add set element to both tables
// set and manual set
testSet, _ := c.GetSetByName(table, "test_set")
manualSet, _ := c.GetSetByName(table, "manual_set")
// Second Element
elements := []nftables.SetElement{{Key: []byte("wg1")}}
c.SetAddElements(manualSet, elements)
c.SetAddElements(testSet, elements)
if err := c.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Panicf("Error: %s", err)
Running returns error: "conn.Receive: netlink receive: invalid argument"
I've tried a few different key types and have only had success with TypeFamilyIPv4.