Step 1 - Get e2
$ git clone git://
Step 2 - Build e2
$ cd e2 $ make
Step 3 - Create a test project
$ make new-project appid=test appdir=~/e2-quick-start
Step 4 - Create hello.erl
$ cd ~/e2-quick-start $ emacs src/hello.erl
Of course, you're free to use any editor in place of emacs
should look like this:
-export([start_link/0, handle_task/1]).
start_link() ->
e2_task:start_link(?MODULE, "Hello e2!~n").
handle_task(Msg) ->
{repeat, Msg, 5000}.
Step 5 - Register hello
with your application
Modify ~/e2-quick-start/src/test_app.erl
to look like this:
init() ->
{ok, [hello]}.
Step 6 - Run your application in the Erlang shell
Start the Erlang shell:
$ make shell
In the Erlang shell:
1> test:start().
You should see your hello
task repeat every 5 seconds!
Stop the shell by typing CTRL-C
twice (i.e. hold the control key down and
press C
Step 7 - Use the control scripts to run your app
To start your application:
$ ./start
To check its status:
$ ./status Application is running
To view its log:
$ tail log/erlang.log.1
To stop it:
$ ./stop
Step 8 - Take a moment
- You just built and ran an Erlang application
- Erlang is different from any other language environment you've used before
- Erlang applications are systems of small, independent components
- The
module is an example of a small, independent component - You can build incredibly complex, robust systems using small, independent components!
Next Steps
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 tutorial