This project involves the building of a light weight version of dribble demonstrating the concepts of Authentication and Authorization in ruby on rails, and getting familiar with using the Devise gem in the process and other ruby gems to implement some functionalities as number of views on each shit, like/unlike shits, and using javascript and jquery to add Drag and Drop functionality.
A user is able to sign-up and sign-in, create, edit, and delete their shits/comments, view shits/comments made by all users. A user can not edit or delete a shit created by another user also can not Unlike other users Likes. An Unregistered user can only view shits made by all registered users.
- Ruby 2.6.5
- Ruby on Rails 5.1.7
- bulm rails (CSS framework)
- jquery-rails
- Devise gem (for authentication)
- Carrierwave (for files uplaod)
- Mini-magick (for maniuplate images)
- Impressionist (Log views from controller actions or from model)
- acts_as_votable (Allowing records to be votable)
- Figaro (app config usin ENV and single YAML file)
- You should have ruby installed.(This project was tested on version
) - You should have rails installed.(This project was tested on version
) - You should have bundler installed.(This project was tested with Bundler version
Clone the repository to your local machine using
git clone
On your local machine, navigate to the folder using
cd kribble
in your terminal -
Install all the gems for the project by running
in your terminal -
Migrate the database using this command
bin/rake db:migrate
Start the server by using this command.
bin/rails server
Open this link in your favorite browser
There are two ways of contributing to this project:
If you see something wrong or not working, please check the issue tracker section, if that problem you met is not in already opened issues then open the issue by clicking on
new issue
button. -
If you have a solution to that, and you are willing to work on it, follow the below steps to contribute:
- Fork this repository
- Clone it on your local computer by running
git clone
- Open the cloned repository which appears as a folder on your local computer with your favorite code editor
- Create a separate branch off the master branch,
- Write your codes which fix the issue you found
- Commit and push the branch you created
- Raise a pull request, comparing your new created branch with our original master branch here
👤 Elaraby Elaidy
- Github: @elarabyelaidy
- Twitter: @elarabyelaidy
- Linkedin: elarabyelaidy
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- This project was built following the screen cast tutorials of "Project 3" made by Andy Leverenz