- 🎓 I am a research assistant at DDE Lab, SUNY Binghamton, focusing on steganography and steganalysis
- 👨🏫 I authored and instructed course on embedded programming on STM32
- 👊 I executed the first real-world adversarial attack on the robust face detection system MTCNN
- 🥈 HackBU 2023 (+ Best Hack & Best Security Hack awards): improved DRM system for streaming platforms
- 🥈 Eurobot 2019: designed robot firmware and managed DL-based computer vision
- 🥇 CTF ReverseCUP 2019: solved the majority of reverse-engineering and steganography challenges
- 🥇 ProHack 4.0: implemented a computer vision algorithm for pipeline failure detection
- 🐬 Sometimes hacking my car keyfob with Flipper Zero
- 📡 Like pushing limits of RTL-SDR dongle