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The majority of developers on rpm-ostree build and test it from a toolbox container, separate from the host system. The instructions below may also work when run in a traditional login on a virtual machine, but are less frequently tested.
When developing either in a toolbx container or natively on your system, you
must install all the required dependencies. In the ci/
subfolder, there are
scripts that will do this for you:
- To install the build dependencies:
- Note: This command must be rerun after the dependencies in
change. This will eventually be fixed.
- Note: This command must be rerun after the dependencies in
- To install the test dependencies:
- For
make check
- For
make vmcheck
: Follow the instructions for installing cosa inside an existing container from the cosa GitHub repository
- For
Today rpm-ostree uses, and as of #3864
we commit the generated code to git. If you want to regenerate it (particularly
when changing it), use ci/
. Most importantly, it currently must
be reinstalled after you run make clean
on the project.
The fcos-buildroot
container has all the dependencies needed for
building and testing included. As a consequence, it is comparatively large (~
2.5 GB). Since this is the same container used by the CI system, this is useful
for reproducing CI failures.
You can either work from inside the container in an interactive manner:
# IMPORTANT: Run this command from the projects root directory!
$ podman run --rm -it -v "$PWD:$PWD:z" -w "$PWD" \
Or you use the container in an ephemeral fashion with an alias like this:
# IMPORTANT: Run this command from the projects root directory!
$ alias buildroot="podman run --rm -it -v \"$PWD:$PWD:z\" -w \"$PWD\" \"
# These commands run in the container now
$ buildroot make ...
The above commands will mount your current working directory into the container for your build artifacts etc. to persist.
rpm-ostree uses autotools to build both our C/C++ side as well
as to invoke cargo
to build the Rust code. After you've
cloned the repository:
$ git submodule update --init
$ ./ --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --sysconfdir=/etc
$ make
$ make check
The unit tests today don't cover much; rpm-ostree is very oriented to run as a privileged systemd unit managing a host system.
rpm-ostree has some tests that use the coreos-assembler/kola framework.
You will want to build a custom image, then run make install
in the ${topsrcdir}/tests/kolainst/
directory, and finally kola run --qemu-image path/to/custom-rpm-ostree-qemu.qcow2 'ext.rpm-ostree.*'
. See the kola external tests documentation for more information and also how to filter tests.
make # To build
cosa build-fast # Generate a local FCOS VM
sudo make -C tests/kolainst install # Run this only when you change the test suite
kola run ext.rpm-ostree.destructive.container-image # Or any other test you want
There's also a vmcheck
test suite, which predates Fedora CoreOS, coreos-assembler and the external test suite integration.
One approach for (somewhat) fast iteration is cosa build-fast
, then run e.g. ./tests/
To filter tests, use the TESTS=
environment variable. For example, to run only tests/vmcheck/
, you can do:
TESTS='misc-2' ./tests/
For development, there is also a make vmsync
which copies the built rpm-ostree
into an unlocked VM. To use this, you must have an ssh-config
file with a host
defined in it called vmcheck
. You can provision the VM however you want;
libvirt directly, vagrant, a remote OpenStack/EC2 instance, etc. For QEMU, we
have a helper script at tests/
which uses kola to spawn a CoreOS QEMU
image. You can use it like this:
export COSA_DIR=/path/to/cosa/workdir
tests/ spawn
make vmsync
Note that by default, these commands will retrieve the latest version of ostree from the build environment and include those binaries when syncing to the VM. So make sure to have the latest ostree installed or built. This allows you to not have to worry about using libostree APIs that are not yet released.
For more details on how tests are structured, see tests/
rpm-ostree bundles libdnf since commit the rationale is:
- libdnf broke ABI several times silently in the past
- Today, dnf does not actually use libdnf much, which means for the most part any libdnf breakage is first taken by us
- libdnf is trying to rewrite more in C++, which is unlikely to help API/ABI stability
- dnf and rpm-ostree release on separate cycles (e.g. today rpm-ostree is used by OpenShift)
In general, until libdnf is defined 100% API/ABI stable, we will continue to bundle it.
However, because it's a git submodule, it's easy to test updates to it, and it also means we're not forking it.
So just do e.g.:
cd libdnf
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/main
cd ..
The various make
targets will pick up the changes and recompile.
It is sometimes necessary to develop against a version of ostree which is not even yet in git main. In such situations, one can simply do:
$ # from the rpm-ostree build dir
$ INSTTREE=$PWD/insttree
$ rm -rf $INSTTREE
$ # from the ostree build dir
$ make
$ make install DESTDIR=$INSTTREE
$ # from the rpm-ostree build dir
$ make
$ make install DESTDIR=$INSTTREE
At this point, simply set SKIP_INSTALL=1
when running vmsync
and vmoverlay
to reuse the installation tree and sync the installed binaries there:
$ make vmsync SKIP_INSTALL=1
$ make vmoverlay SKIP_INSTALL=1
Of course, you can use this pattern for not just ostree but whatever else you'd like to install into the VM (e.g. bubblewrap, libsolv, etc...).
A common case is testing changes in the ostree-rs-ext
crate. Once you have
your changes ready in a clone of the ostree-rs-ext
repository, you can edit
rpm-ostree's Cargo.toml
to point to it.
ostree-ext = { path = "../ostree-rs-ext/lib/" }
See the example from the Overriding Dependencies section of the Cargo Book.
If you're new to rpm-ostree, before using GDB, it may be helpful to review the daemon architecture doc for an architecture recap.
Server-side composes do not use the daemon architecture and so one can naturally
do e.g. gdb --args rpm-ostree compose tree ...
. If using coreos-assembler, you
environment variable like this:
$ COSA_RPMOSTREE_GDB="gdb --args" cosa build
When cosa gets to the point of invoking rpm-ostree for the compose, it will call GDB instead.
On the client side, you need to use the make vmsync
flow before using GDB
because it also copies over the source files into /root/sync
You can use GDB from a privileged container. Make sure to use the
flag when using e.g. podman run
so that you can attach to
processes running on the host. For example:
(host) podman run -ti --privileged --pid=host -v /:/host --name gdb \ /bin/bash
(cnt) dnf install -y gdb procps-ng
If for whatever reason, you can't use a container, you can also layer GDB with
e.g. rpm-ostree install gdb-minimal -A
, and then use it directly. (XXX:
currently isn't compatible with make vmsync
, so you'll want to
reboot for now: ostreedev/ostree#2369).
Run e.g. rpm-ostree status
to ensure the daemon is started, and then:
(cnt) gdb -p $(pidof rpm-ostree) \
-ex 'set sysroot /host' \
-ex 'directory /host/var/roothome/sync' \
-ex 'directory /host/var/roothome/sync/libdnf/libdnf'
Then in GDB, you can do e.g.:
(gdb) break deploy_transaction_execute
(gdb) continue
And in a separate terminal in the VM, run the CLI command which would trigger
the breakpoint (e.g. rpm-ostree override replace foobar.rpm
To attach to the CLI itself (or debug early daemon startup), you can use
gdb --args rpm-ostree status
if running GDB from the host directly.
If running GDB in a container, you can use the RPMOSTREE_GDB_HOOK
env var to
have rpm-ostree wait for you to attach GDB from the container:
(host) RPMOSTREE_GDB_HOOK=1 rpm-ostree status
RPMOSTREE_GDB_HOOK detected; stopping...
Attach via gdb using `gdb -p 2519`.
(cnt) gdb -p 2519 \
-ex 'set sysroot /host' \
-ex 'directory /host/var/roothome/sync' \
-ex 'directory /host/var/roothome/sync/libdnf/libdnf' \
-ex n -ex n