This is a cross platfrom spider develop by C#.
Spider need 4 parts to work: Scheduler, Downloader, Processor, Pipeline.
public static void Main()
HttpClientDownloader downloader = new HttpClientDownloader();
Core.Spider spider = Core.Spider.Create(new MyPageProcessor(), new QueueDuplicateRemovedScheduler()).AddPipeline(new MyPipeline()).SetThreadNum(1);
var site = new Site() { EncodingName = "UTF-8" };
for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
spider.Site = site;
private class MyPipeline : IPipeline
public void Process(ResultItems resultItems, ISpider spider)
foreach (YoukuVideo entry in resultItems.Results["VideoResult"])
//May be you want to save to database
public void Dispose()
private class MyPageProcessor : IPageProcessor
public void Process(Page page)
var totalVideoElements = page.Selectable.SelectList(Selectors.XPath("//div[@class='yk-col3']")).Nodes();
List<YoukuVideo> results = new List<YoukuVideo>();
foreach (var videoElement in totalVideoElements)
var video = new YoukuVideo();
video.Name = videoElement.Select(Selectors.XPath("/div[4]/div[1]/a")).Value;
video.Click = int.Parse(videoElement.Select(Selectors.Css("p-num")).Value.ToString());
page.AddResultItem("VideoResult", results);
public Site Site => new Site { SleepTime = 0 };
public class YoukuVideo
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Click { get; set; }
#Object Auto Extractor
###1. Add config file: app.conf to your project
redisServer: your redis server
redisPassword:your redis password
###2. Add spider contentx class
public class JdSkuSpider : ISpiderContext
public SpiderContextBuilder GetBuilder()
Log.TaskId = "JD SKU Weekly";
SpiderContext context = new SpiderContext
SpiderName = "JD SKU " + DateTimeUtils.MONDAY_RUN_ID,
CachedSize = 1,
ThreadNum = 8,
Site = new Site
EncodingName = "UTF-8"
Scheduler = new RedisScheduler()
Host = "redis",
Port = 6379,
Password = ""
StartUrls=new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>> {
{ ",653,655&page=1&go=0&JL=6_0_0&ms=5", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "name","手机" }, { "cat3","9987" } } },
Pipeline = new MysqlPipeline()
ConnectString = ""
Downloader = new HttpDownloader()
return new SpiderContextBuilder(context, typeof(Product));
[Schema("jd", "sku_v2", Suffix = TableSuffix.Monday)]
[TargetUrl(new[] { @"page=[0-9]+" }, "//*[@id=\"J_bottomPage\"]")]
[TypeExtractBy(Expression = "//div[contains(@class,'j-sku-item')]", Multi = true)]
[Indexes(Primary = "sku")]
public class Product : ISpiderEntity
private static readonly DateTime runId;
static Product()
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
runId = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1);
[StoredAs("category", DataType.String, 20)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "name", Type = ExtractType.Enviroment)]
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
[StoredAs("cat3", DataType.String, 20)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "cat3", Type = ExtractType.Enviroment)]
public int CategoryId { get; set; }
[StoredAs("url", DataType.Text)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./div[1]/a/@href")]
public string Url { get; set; }
[StoredAs("sku", DataType.String, 25)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./@data-sku")]
public string Sku { get; set; }
[StoredAs("commentscount", DataType.String, 20)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./div[@class='p-commit']/strong/a")]
public long CommentsCount { get; set; }
[StoredAs("shopname", DataType.String, 100)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./div[@class='p-shop hide']/span[1]/a[1]")]
public string ShopName { get; set; }
[StoredAs("name", DataType.String, 50)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./div[@class='p-name']/a/em")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[StoredAs("shopid", DataType.String, 25)]
public string ShopId { get; set; }
[StoredAs("venderid", DataType.String, 25)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./@venderid")]
public string VenderId { get; set; }
[StoredAs("jdzy_shop_id", DataType.String, 25)]
[PropertyExtractBy(Expression = "./@jdzy_shop_id")]
public string JdzyShopId { get; set; }
[StoredAs("run_id", DataType.Date)]
public string RunId => DateTimeUtils.MONDAY_RUN_ID;
[StoredAs("cdate", DataType.Time)]
public DateTime CDate => DateTime.Now;