Is not maintained anymore. This package was a mix of all existing Node.js Modbus packages sometime before.
Now we have a great state of very good Modbus packages like:
- modbus-serial (works for TCP and Serial)
- jsmodbus (root of this package).
Feel free to contact me to get this package on NPM to provide your package under the name node-modbus!
just supported until Node 8 LTS
Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install
npm install node-modbus
Run the following command for global install
npm install -g node-modbus
The test files are implemented using mocha and sinon.
Simply use
in the source code project.
To run the tests type from the projects root folder mocha test/*
Please feel free to fork and add your own tests.
let node_modbus = require('node-modbus')
let server = node_modbus.server.tcp.complete({ port : 502, responseDelay: 200 })
const node_modbus = require('node-modbus')
const client = node_modbus.client.tcp.complete({
'host': 'modbus.server.local', /* IP or name of server host */
'port': 502, /* well known Modbus port */
'unitId': 1,
'timeout': 2000, /* 2 sec */
'autoReconnect': true, /* reconnect on connection is lost */
'reconnectTimeout': 15000, /* wait 15 sec if auto reconnect fails to often */
'logLabel' : 'ModbusClientTCP', /* label to identify in log files */
'logLevel': 'debug', /* for less log use: info, warn or error */
'logEnabled': true
const time_interval = 1000
client.on('connect', function () {
setInterval( function () {
client.readCoils(0, 13).then((response) => console.log(response.payload))
}, time_interval) /* reading coils every second */
const node_modbus = require('node-modbus')
const client = node_modbus.client.serial.complete({
'portName': '/dev/ttyS0', /* COM1 */
'baudRate': 9600, /* */
'dataBits': 8, /* 5, 6, 7 */
'stopBits': 1, /* 1.5, 2 */
'parity': 'none', /* even, odd, mark, space */
'connectionType': 'RTU', /* RTU or ASCII */
'connectionDelay': 250, /* 250 msec - sometimes you need more on windows */
'timeout': 2000, /* 2 sec */
'autoReconnect': true, /* reconnect on connection is lost */
'reconnectTimeout': 15000, /* wait 15 sec if auto reconnect fails to often */
'logLabel' : 'ModbusClientSerial', /* label to identify in log files */
'logLevel': 'debug', /* for less log use: info, warn or error */
'logEnabled': true
/* here we need none connect call */
const time_interval = 1000
client.on('connect', function () {
setInterval( function () {
client.readCoils(0, 13).then((response) => console.log(response.payload))
}, time_interval) /* reading coils every second */
Based on jsmodbus