Welcome to the notifications backend plugin!
To install, please refer the Getting Started Backstage Notifications and Signals documentation section.
For users to be able to see notifications in real-time, you have to install also
the signals plugin (@backstage/plugin-signals-node
, @backstage/plugin-signals-backend
, and
When a notification is created, it's processing can be customized via processors
Please refer Backstage documentation for further details.
To be able to send notifications to users by other plugins, you have to integrate the @backstage/plugin-notifications-node
to your application and plugins. For the API, please refer documentation there.
External services can create new messages by sending POST request to the REST API.
To be able to do so, external access
needs to be enabled as described in the documentation, e.g. via the static tokens
Once the API can be accessed, the request can look like:
curl -X POST [YOUR_SERVER_URL]/api/notifications/notifications -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer [BASE64_ENCODED_ACCESS_TOKEN]" -d '{"recipients":{"type":"entity","entityRef":"user:development/guest"},"payload": {"title": "Title of user-targeted external message","description": "The description","link": "http://foo.com/bar","severity": "high","topic": "The topic"}}'