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Mule 4 Properties Provider for properties from HashiCorp Vault


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Vault Properties Provider for Mule

Global Config

Add a single Vault Properties Provider Config global element to your application. Specify the Vault URL and properties to log in.

Token Connections


token-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • vaultToken - Token to use for authentication
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:token-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200" engineVersion="v2" vaultToken="s.uo18rIGCFexkcxOOJET97EPA" />
SSL Configuration with Token Authentication (PEM)


token-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • vaultToken - Token to use for authentication
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)

ssl-properties element attributes:

  • pemFile - path to PEM file for vault server SSL
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:token-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200" engineVersion="v2" vaultToken="s.uo18rIGCFexkcxOOJET97EPA" >
    <vault-properties-provider:ssl-properties pemFile="ssl/my.pem" />
SSL Configuration with Token Authentication (KeyStore)


token-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • vaultToken - Token to use for authentication
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)

ssl-properties element attributes:

  • trustStoreFile - path to Java trust store (JKS)
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:token-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200" engineVersion="v2" vaultToken="s.uo18rIGCFexkcxOOJET97EPA" >
    <vault-properties-provider:ssl-properties trustStoreFile="/tmp/trustStore.jks" />
SSL Configuration with TLS Authentication (JKS)


tls-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)

ssl-properties element attributes:

  • trustStorePath - path to Java trust store (JKS)

jks-properties element attributes:

  • keyStoreFile - path to Java key store (JKS)
  • keyStorePassword - password for the key store
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:tls-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200" engineVersion="v2" >
    <vault-properties-provider:ssl-properties trustStoreFile="/tmp/trustStore.jks" />
    <vault-properties-provider:jks-properties keyStoreFile="/tmp/keystore.jks" keyStorePassword="***" />
SSL Configuration with TLS Authentication (PEM)


tls-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)

ssl-properties element attributes:

  • pemFile - path to PEM file for vault server SSL

pem-properties element attributes:

  • clientPemFile - An X.509 client certificate, for use with Vault's TLS Certificate auth backend
  • clientKeyPemFile - An RSA private key, for use with Vault's TLS Certificate auth backend
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:tls-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200" engineVersion="v2" >
    <vault-properties-provider:ssl-properties pemFile="ssl/my.pem" />
    <vault-properties-provider:pem-properties clientPemFile="ssl/my_vault.pem" clientKeyPemFile="ssl/my_vault_key.pem" />
IAM Configuration


iam-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)
  • awsAuthMount - the Vault mount for AWS authentication
  • vaultRole - the Vault role to login as
  • iamRequestUrl - Most likely
  • iamRequestBody - The IAM request body, most likely: Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15
  • iamRequestHeaders - IAM request headers
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:iam-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200"
                                            iamRequestHeaders="" />
EC2 Configuration with Instance Metadata Authentication


ec2-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)
  • awsAuthMount - the Vault mount for AWS authentication
  • vaultRole - the Vault role to login as
  • useInstanceMetadata - true to login with instance metadata (PKCS7 is looked up on the host)
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:ec2-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200" engineVersion="v2" awsAuthMount="aws" vaultRole="test-role" useInstanceMetadata="true" />
EC2 Configuration with PKCS7 Authentication


ec2-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)
  • awsAuthMount - the Vault mount for AWS authentication
  • vaultRole - the Vault role to login as
  • pkcs7 - PKCS7 value with all \n characters removed
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:ec2-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200"
EC2 Configuration with Identity Document Authentication


ec2-connection element attributes:

  • vaultUrl - URL for Vault Server
  • engineVersion - Version of the KV engine being used (v1 or v2)
  • awsAuthMount - the Vault mount for AWS authentication
  • vaultRole - the Vault role to login as

identity-properties element attributes:

  • identity - Base64-encoded EC2 instance identity document
  • signature - Base64-encoded SHA256 RSA signature of the instance identity document
<vault-properties-provider:config name="config" >
  <vault-properties-provider:ec2-connection vaultUrl="http://localhost:8200" engineVersion="v2" awsAuthMount="aws" vaultRole="test-role">
    <vault-properties-provider:identity-properties identity="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"
                                                   signature="dExamplesjNQhhJan7pORLpLSr7lJEF4V2DhKGlyoYVBoUYrY9njyBCmhEayaGrhtS/AWY+LPxlVSQURF5n0gwPNCuO6ICT0fNrm5IH7w9ydyaexamplejJw8XvWPxbuRkcN0TAA1p4RtCAqm4ms=x2oALjWSCBExample=" />

Referencing Values

To reference a value, use this format:


By default, version 2 of the KV engine is used.

If an environment variable needs to be referenced within a path, use this format within the path to the secret or the key name:


One may need to reference an environment variable in order to account reference environment-specific secrets. For instance, there is one API Key for the development environment and another for the production environment.


To retrieve a value from the Key/Value secrets engine exposed as "secret", stored at "test/mule-sample", with a key of "name", use this format:


It could also be specified with an environment variable like this (where an environment variable called ENV is set to test):


Publishing to a Private Exchange

To publish to a private exchange, some updates are necessary in the pom.xml file and your Maven settings.xml.

Update the groupId to the organization ID used by your organization on the Anypoint platform.

In addition, update the url in the distributionManagement section of the pom to the following, replacing ${orgId} with your Organization ID:${orgID}/maven

Add a server for the exchange repository in your Maven settings.xml file with the username and password to use for AnyPoint Exchange.

After it is published in the exchange, the dependency in a project would change to look like this:



Mule 4 Properties Provider for properties from HashiCorp Vault



BSD-2-Clause, Unknown licenses found

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