Hello, I have recently read research and corference paper about metropolis-2 and very interested in the M2 project which may contribute to the advanced urban air mobility.
Error Brief Description
I'm having some problems running the scenario file [Flight_intention_high_40_0_R1.scn] using the Bluesky (version
Environment(for bug reports) - Personally, I don't feel it has much to do with my environment
- Operating System: MacOS - M1
- Python version: 3.8.13 - miniforge
- IDE : VSCode
Flight_intention_high_40_0_R1.scn: First 11 lines of scn file
00:00:00.00>FF 00:00:00>ASAS ON 00:00:00>RESO SPEEDBASEDV3 00:00:00>CDMETHOD M2STATEBASED 00:00:00>STREETSENABLE 00:00:00>loadloiteringdill Flight_intention_high_40_0.dill 00:00:00>CASMACHTHR 0 00:00:00>LOADGEOJSON open_geofence id height 00:00:00>LOADGEOJSON bldg_geofence fid h 00:00:00>SCHEDULE 00:15:00 PCALL rogues/R0.scn 00:00:00>QUEUEM2 D1,MP20,310933_MP20,48.2188811832,16.3102739948,48.2151360192,16.4149767487,0.0,0.0,0.0,2,0,
Some case im not sure:
- RESO SPEEDBASEDV3 : I found SPEEDBASEDV2 in the directory [./plugins/M2-decentralised] and changed this command to RESO SPEEDBASEDV2 in order to be able to run this command.
- QUEUEM2 : this stack command from the directory [./plugins/streets/] at line 546.
######################## STACK COMMANDS ########################## @stack.command def queuem2(acid, actype: str="B744", path_file: str="", aclat: float=52., aclon: float=4., destlat: float = 51., destlon: float = 3., achdg: float=None, acalt: float=0, acspd: float = 0, prio: int = 1, geodur:float = 0, *geocoords:float):
the command function - parameter-path_file: str ; The original folder doesn't seem to contain these dill files
the FileNotFound error reported on my pc:
Do these dill files need other py scripts to run out or do the plugins not match the scenario file.