Ruby version
- 3.1.2
System dependencies
- Bundler 2.3.15
- To install all required libraries and dependent software use the following command inside the project folder
bundle install
- To start in production you must first create the assets via the following command
bundle exec rails assets:precompile
Database creation
- Before running the following command, ensure that the username and password is correctly entered in /config/database.rb
- Next run the following command inside the project folder
bundle exec rails db:create
Database initialization
- To initialize and seed the database use the following command inside the project folder
bundle exec rails db:seed
- You may perform both of the above steps together with the following command
bundle exec rails db:setup
How to run the test suite
- To run the test suite, run the following command in the terminal
bundle exec rails test
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
- ElastiCache
- Redis
- Sidekiq
Start background jobs with
bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml
Deployment instructions
- Ensure that the database user has access to the production database defined in /config/database.rb
- You may choose to run a small production server with Puma, which is the default rails application server. However, we recommend using Nginx or Apache HTTP Server. Please see official documentation at the official sites here and here for installation and configuration instructions. Depending on your operating system please use the official packages to install Phusion Passenger. You can find official documentation for the Phusion Passenger project here.
- Create a secret which is at least 30 characters long and consists of random numbers and letters. We will export this secret as an environment variable before starting the server. Rails can help generate this secret by running the following command
bundle exec rails secret
- Next we export the secret with the following command
export SECRET_KEY_BASE=<paste the secret here>
- To start the server we use the following command
bunde exec rails server
- Mail configuration can be found in /config/environment/production.rb. A sample configuration might look like the following
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { user_name: Rails.application.secrets.mail_username, password: Rails.application.secrets.mail_password, domain: 'domain.com', address: 'smtp.domain.com', port: '587', authentication: :plain, enable_starttls_auto: true }
Generate Quality Dimension default questions
bundle exec rails add_quality_dimensions
Ensure environmental variables are set in docker.env
When running first time or if changes to Dockerfile are made use --build switch
docker compose up --build
If you do not require mailcatcher or you have your own mailserver on production you can comment out the mailcatcher service within docker-compose.yml