Along with Money, as you have already noticed, Currencies are also provided. In many methods you have to pass a Currency object.
In order to get a specific currency:
use PostScripton\Money\Currency;
$usd = Currency::code('USD');
$usd = Currency::code('usd');
$usd = Currency::code('840');
$usd = currency('USD');
$usd = currency('usd');
$usd = currency('840');
❗ Only international codes such as USD / 840, EUR / 978, RUB / 643 and so on should be used as a code. (And your own currencies' codes 😉)
Remember that all the settings, which are applied to a currency will be saved for the next times.
use PostScripton\Money\CurrencyDisplay;
$usd = currency('usd');
$usd = currency('usd');
$usd->getDisplay(); // CurrencyDisplay::Code
You can also get or change some data from Currency object:
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