- Subnote 1
- Subsubnote
- Subsubsubnote
- Subsubnote
- Subnote 2
- Task with checkbox
- Done task
- Priorities
- 1️⃣ Priority 1
- 2️⃣ Priority 2
- 3️⃣ Priority 3
- ✔️ Checked
- ✖️ Crossed
- ⌛ Waiting
- 🛑 On hold
- 🔁 Recurring / Review
- 2️⃣ Multiple icons
- Link to URL
- Link to e-mail
- Link to local Markdown file
- [[test-icons]]
- Connection to node #470163758
- Target for connection {#470163758}
- Local hyperlink
- Target for hyperlink {#ID_244066349}