.. http:get:: /api/connection Retrieve the current connection settings, including information regarding the available baudrates and serial ports and the current connection state. Requires the ``STATUS`` permission. **Example** .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/connection HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com X-Api-Key: abcdef... .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "current": { "state": "Operational", "port": "/dev/ttyACM0", "baudrate": 250000, "printerProfile": "_default" }, "options": { "ports": ["/dev/ttyACM0", "VIRTUAL"], "baudrates": [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], "printerProfiles": [{"name": "Default", "id": "_default"}], "portPreference": "/dev/ttyACM0", "baudratePreference": 250000, "printerProfilePreference": "_default", "autoconnect": true } } :statuscode 200: No error
.. http:post:: /api/connection Issue a connection command. Currently available command are: connect Instructs OctoPrint to connect or, if already connected, reconnect to the printer. Additional parameters are: * ``port``: Optional, specific port to connect to. If not set the current ``portPreference`` will be used, or if no preference is available auto detection will be attempted. * ``baudrate``: Optional, specific baudrate to connect with. If not set the current ``baudratePreference`` will be used, or if no preference is available auto detection will be attempted. * ``printerProfile`` Optional, specific printer profile to use for connection. If not set the current default printer profile will be used. * ``save``: Optional, whether to save the request's ``port`` and ``baudrate`` settings as new preferences. Defaults to ``false`` if not set. * ``autoconnect``: Optional, whether to automatically connect to the printer on OctoPrint's startup in the future. If not set no changes will be made to the current configuration. disconnect Instructs OctoPrint to disconnect from the printer. fake_ack Fakes an acknowledgment message for OctoPrint in case one got lost on the serial line and the communication with the printer since stalled. This should only be used in "emergencies" (e.g. to save prints), the reason for the lost acknowledgment should always be properly investigated and removed instead of depending on this "symptom solver". Requires the ``CONNECTION`` permission. **Example Connect Request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/connection HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Type: application/json X-Api-Key: abcdef... { "command": "connect", "port": "/dev/ttyACM0", "baudrate": 115200, "printerProfile": "my_printer_profile", "save": true, "autoconnect": true } .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 No Content **Example Disconnect Request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/connection HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Type: application/json X-Api-Key: abcdef... { "command": "disconnect" } .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 No Content **Example FakeAck Request** .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/connection HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Content-Type: application/json X-Api-Key: abcdef... { "command": "fake_ack" } .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 No Content :json string command: The command to issue, either ``connect``, ``disconnect`` or ``fake_ack``. :json string port: ``connect`` command: The port to connect to. If left out either the existing ``portPreference`` will be used, or if that is not available OctoPrint will attempt auto detection. Must be part of the available ports. :json number baudrate: ``connect`` command: The baudrate to connect with. If left out either the existing ``baudratePreference`` will be used, or if that is not available OctoPrint will attempt autodetection. Must be part of the available baudrates. :json string printerProfile: ``connect`` command: The id of the printer profile to use for the connection. If left out the current default printer profile will be used. Must be part of the available printer profiles. :json boolean save: ``connect`` command: Whether to save the supplied connection settings as the new preference. Defaults to ``false`` if not set. :json boolean autoconnect: ``connect`` command: Whether to attempt to automatically connect to the printer on server startup. If not set no changes will be made to the current setting. :statuscode 204: No error :statuscode 400: If the selected `port` or `baudrate` for a ``connect`` command are not part of the available options.