The MyeloMaps repository contain the release 0.9 of the myeloarchitectonic maps in the ICBM/MNI152 2009b symmetric space from the publication:
Mai, J.K. and Majtanik, M.
Translational Neuroscience, vol. 14, no. 1, 2023, pp. 20220325
C. and O. Vogt had set up a research program with the aim of establishing a detailed cartography of the medullary fiber distribution of the human brain. As part of this program, around 200 cortical fields were differentiated based on their myeloarchitectural characteristics and mapped with regard to their exact location in the isocortex. The typical features were graphically documented and classified by a sophisticated linguistic coding. Their results have only recently received adequate attention and applications. The reasons for the revival of this spectrum of their research include interest in the myeloarchitecture of the cortex as a differentiating feature of the cortex architecture and function, as well as the importance for advanced imaging methodologies, particularly tractography and molecular imaging. Here, we describe our approach to exploit the original work of the Vogts and their co-workers to construct a myeloarchitectonic map that is referenced to the Atlas of the Human Brain (AHB) in standard space. We developed a semi-automatic pipeline for processing and integrating the various original maps into a single coherent map. To optimize the precision of the registration between the published maps and the AHB, we augmented the maps with topographic landmarks of the brains that were originally analyzed. Registration of all maps into the AHB opened several possibilities. First, for the majority of the fields, multiple maps from different authors are available, which allows for sophisticated statistical integration, for example, unification with a label-fusion technique. Second, each field in the myeloarchitectonic surface map can be visualized on the myelin-stained cross-section of the AHB at the best possible correspondence. The features of each field can be correlated with the fiber-stained cross-sections in the AHB and with the extensive published materials from the Vogt school and, if necessary, corrected. Third, mapping to the AHB allows the relationship between fiber characteristics of the cortex and the subcortex to be examined. Fourth, the cytoarchitectonic maps from Brodmann and von Economo and Koskinas, which are also registered to the AHB, can be compared. This option allows the study of the correspondence between cyto- and myeloarchitecture in each field. Finally, by using our “stripe” technology – where any other feature registered to the same space can be directly compared owing to the linear and parallel representation of the correlated cortex segments – this map becomes part of a multidimensional co-registration platform. Keywords: Vogt; myelin; microscopic sections; multi-level-stripe technology; cortical stripe representation
Mai, Juergen K. and Majtanik, Milan. "Myeloarchitectonic maps of the human cerebral cortex registered to surface and sections of a standard atlas brain" Translational Neuroscience, vol. 14, no. 1, 2023, pp. 20220325.