- Employee: Jair Israel Aviles Eusebio
- Id: 20087460
- ADID: JA40013952
- Email: [email protected]
- Maven
- Java jdk 8
- Lombok
- Spring boot
- jUnit 5
- Mockito
- Swagger2
- Inline H2 DB memory integrated (No need to define datasource, unless using another RDBMS)
- Running tests
mvn clean verify
- Generating jar
mvn clean install
- Running spring boot app
mvn clean install spring-boot:run
- DB DDL definition in application/resources, inserting 4 customer by default
- Jacoco test report coverage available in path target/site/jacoco/index.html
- Opening application in localhost:8080/ will redirect to swagger ui page
- H2 console available in default page