The ASTs package provides a Python API into GrammaTech's Software Evolution Library (SEL) for source code manipulation. SEL generalizes over GitHub's tree-sitter parsing libraries providing a uniform interface over multiple programming languages (primarily Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, and C/C++), and providing additional functionality for software inspection and modification.
Here's how to create and perform some common operations on an AST:
$ python3
Python 3.8.5
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import asts
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 88", language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> root.children
[<asts.types.PythonExpressionStatement0 0x2>]
>>> root.children[0].children
[<asts.types.PythonBinaryOperator 0x3>]
>>> root.children[0].children[0].children
[<asts.types.PythonIdentifier 0x4>,
<asts.types.PythonAdd 0x5>,
<asts.types.PythonInteger 0x6>]
>>> root.children[0].children[0].children[0].source_text
>>> root.children[0].children[0].children[1].source_text
>>> root.children[0].children[0].children[2].source_text
>>> root.children[0].children[0].source_text
'x + 88'
>>> root.children[0].children[0].child_slots()
[('LEFT', 1), ('OPERATOR', 1), ('RIGHT', 1), ('CHILDREN', 0)]
>>> list(map(lambda x:x.source_text, root.children[0].children[0].children))
['x', '+', '88']
The following examples assume you have imported the asts library using
import asts
. See the methods provided by for more
The default AST
constructor should not be invoked directly by clients.
Instead, the static factory methods described below should be utilized.
ASTs may be created from source text using the AST.from_string
factory method in the Python API. Using this method requires source
text and (optionally) a language enumeration indicating the source
text language. The example below shows the creation of a simple AST:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 88", language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
Language enumerations exist for C
, Cpp
, Java
, Javascript
, Python
, TypescriptTs
, and TypescriptTsx
For larger examples where the language may be inferred, the language parameter may optionally be elided. For instance:
>>> text = """
... import sys
... def fib(n: int) -> int:
... if n < 2:
... return n
... else:
... return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
... def main():
... if len(sys.argv) == 1:
... print(fib(int(sys.argv[1])))
... if __name__ == '__main__':
... main()
... """
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(text)
If tree-sitter cannot parse the source text into an AST, an error or text
fragment AST node will be created starting at the location of the invalid
parse. By default, the children of this node will be the best-effort but
potentially incorrect parse tree received from tree-sitter with all terminal
tokens excepting zero-width ones included. If instead of the tree you wish
to have a flat, text representation child, you may pass error_tree=False
as a keyword argument.
Finally, by default, the AST returned is the top-level, module node of
the parsed AST. However, in some cases, we may wish get the deepest
subnode still encompassing all of the given source text. This allows
us to create statement AST nodes, for instance. To do so, clients
may use the deepest
keyword, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "x + 88",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> type(root)
<class 'asts.types.PythonBinaryOperator'>
ASTs may also be created using the AST template mechanism. For
instance, the following snippet creates an AST equivalent to
asts.AST.from_string("x = 2", language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> root = asts.AST.ast_template("$ID = 2", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, id="x")
>>> root.source_text
'x = 2'
Metavariable names (e.g. $ID
above) may contain uppercase characters,
digits, or underscores. Metavariables may be scalars (e.g. $
) or
lists (e.g. @
), as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.ast_template("fn(@ARGS)", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, args=[1,2,3])
>>> root.source_text
'fn(1, 2, 3)'
Metavariables may also be positional arguments (e.g. $1
, $2
), as
shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.ast_template("$1 = 2", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, "x")
>>> root.source_text
'x = 2'
However, you may not combine positional (e.g. $1
) and keyword
(e.g. $ID
) metavariables in a single template. The corresponding
metavariable values passed in as arguments to ast_template
may be
ASTs, literals, or lists.
ASTs may also be directly created for the metavariables in an AST
template. For instance, in the template "$1 = $2"
, we may create
ASTs for $1
and $2
using asts_from_template
, as shown below:
>>> asts = asts.AST.asts_from_template("$1 = $2", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, "x", 1)
>>> len(asts)
>>> asts[0].source_text
>>> asts[1].source_text
For now, only the position syntax (e.g. $1
, $2
) is supported by
. One AST is returned per metavariable, in
numeric order.
More information on AST templates may be found in the SEL template documentation.
Copies of an AST may created using AST.copy
or the python copy
module, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 1", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> copy = asts.AST.copy(root)
>>> copy.source_text
'x + 1'
In addition, clients may set child slots in the copy by passing in new ASTs for each slot as keyword arguments, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 1", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> y = asts.AST.from_string("y", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> copy = asts.AST.copy(root, left=y)
>>> copy.source_text
'y + 1'
In addition to ASTs, clients may also pass in literals (e.g. strings, code snippets, numbers) as keyword values, as shown below. These are automatically parsed into an AST to be inserted.
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 1", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> copy = asts.AST.copy(root, left=1)
>>> copy.source_text
'1 + 1'
>>> copy = asts.AST.copy(root, left="y")
>>> copy.source_text
'y + 1'
To view the names of an AST's child slots, you may use the
method, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 1", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> root.child_slots()
[('LEFT', 1), ('OPERATOR', 1), ('RIGHT', 1), ('CHILDREN', 0)]
Alternatively, you may use the dir
built-in to inspect an AST object
and find its child slots as python properties, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 1", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> dir(root)
['__class__', ..., 'left', ..., 'operator', ..., 'right', ..., 'traverse']
Beyond these named child slots storing ASTs which are parsed from the language
grammar, internally, each AST has several additional slots which store ASTs
outside of the grammar rules, such as comments or error nodes. These include
, after-asts
, and (optionally) internal-asts-[0-9]+
nodes such as comments and errors before the AST, after the AST, and between
implicit terminal tokens within the AST respectively. The names of these slots
can be accessed using the child_slots
method and passing internal=True
, as
shown below. These slot names may also be used child_slot
retrieve their current value and and with copy
to modify the existing value.
>>> text = """
... # This is a comment
... x = x + 1
... """
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(text, asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> stmt = root.children[-1]
>>> stmt.source_text
'x = x + 1'
>>> stmt.child_slots(internal=True)
[('BEFORE-ASTS', 0), ('CHILDREN', 0), ('AFTER-ASTS', 0)]
>>> stmt.child_slot("BEFORE-ASTS")
[<asts.types.PythonComment 0x3>]
In practice, most clients will interact with ASTs using the AST's type and retrieving the AST's source text, parent AST, and child ASTs. All of these operations are supported by the python API. To begin, let's examine using AST types.
ASTs are embedded in a rich type hierarchy generated by the tree-sitter
library; this type hierarchy is augmented by generic mixins in SEL for
common AST types across languages. For instance, IfAST
, and IdentifierAST
classes abstract common language
constructs and allow identification of these types of ASTs regardless
of the language of the underlying program. As with other objects,
clients may use isinstance
to test if an AST is an instance or
subclass of a given type, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "print(x)",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> isinstance(root, asts.types.PythonCall)
>>> isinstance(root, asts.types.CallAST)
>>> isinstance(root, asts.types.PythonAST)
>>> isinstance(root, asts.types.CStringLiteral)
Beyond AST types, accessing the source text of an AST is
another common operation. This may be accomplished using
the source_text
property on ASTs, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "print(x)",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> root.source_text
Additionally, to view a list of the immediate children
of a particular AST, the children
property may be used,
as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "print(x)",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> root.children
[<asts.types.PythonIdentifier 0x4>, <asts.types.PythonArgumentList1 0x5>]
>>> root.children[0].source_text
>>> identifier = root.children[1].children[0]
>>> identifier.source_text
An AST is composed of various child slots which are concatenated together
when accessed via the children
property. To view the child slots for
a particular AST you may use the child_slots()
method, which returns
a list of slot-name, arity pairs. An arity of one indicates the slot
is a single AST, while an arity of zero indicates the slot is composed
of zero or more ASTs. The AST(s) comprising a given slot may be
accessed using the slot name as a python property accessor or by using
method, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "print(x)",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> root.child_slots()
[('FUNCTION', 1), ('ARGUMENTS', 1), ('CHILDREN', 0)]
>>> root.function.source_text
>>> root.child_slot("FUNCTION").source_text
Beyond direct child lookup, an AST path composed of the names of the
child slots and, when the child slot is a list, a position in this list
may be used to lookup ASTs at arbritrary depths in the tree using the
method. Additionally, an AST's path in a tree may be found
directly using the ast_path
method, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "print(x)",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> x = root.lookup(['ARGUMENTS', ('CHILDREN', 0)])
>>> x.source_text
>>> root.ast_path(x)
Finally, parent trees may be accessed using the parent
and parents
methods, as shown below. Please note that these methods require the
root of the subtree as a parameter.
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "print(x)",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> root.children
[<asts.types.PythonIdentifier 0x4>, <asts.types.PythonArgumentList1 0x5>]
>>> root.children[0].source_text
>>> identifier = root.children[1].children[0]
>>> identifier.source_text
>>> identifier.parent(root).source_text
>>> [p.source_text for p in identifier.parents(root)]
['(x)', 'print(x)']
In Python 3.10+, AST types and properties may be used in pattern matching for conditional logic and to destructure an AST into its components parts. For instance, to match against assignments where the left-hand side of the assignment is the variable "x", the following match clause may be used:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "x = 1",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> match root:
... case asts.types.PythonAssignment(left=asts.types.IdentifierAST(source_text="x")):
... print("Match found")
Match found
As another example, to destructure the left-hand and right-hand sides of an assignment into separate variables, the following match clause may be used:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "x = 1",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> match root:
... case asts.types.PythonAssignment(left=lhs, right=rhs):
... [lhs, rhs]
[<asts.types.PythonIdentifier 0x4>, <asts.types.PythonInteger 0x5>]
For some applications, it may be useful to know the start/end locations
of each AST or retrieve the AST at a given location. Clients may do
both using the ast_source_ranges
and ast_at_point
respectively, as shown below. Please note that for each method the
lines and columns are 1-indexed.
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "print(x)",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> root.ast_source_ranges()
[(<asts.types.PythonCall 0x3>, ((1, 1), (1, 9))),
(<asts.types.PythonIdentifier 0x4>, ((1, 1), (1, 6))),
(<asts.types.PythonArgumentList1 0x5>, ((1, 6), (1, 9))),
(<asts.types.PythonIdentifier 0x6>, ((1, 7), (1, 8)))]
>>> root.ast_at_point(1, 7).source_text
Function ASTs have special consideration in the python API, and clients
may retrieve various function attributes, such as name, parameters, and
body, using the respective AST methods, function_name
, and function_body
, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "def foo(bar: int) -> int:\n return bar / 2",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> root.function_name()
>>> [param.source_text for param in root.function_parameters()]
['bar: int']
>>> root.function_body().source_text
' return bar / 2'
In addition to function ASTs, function callsites also have special
consideration in the python API. Clients may query for the library
containing the function implementation (provided_by
), the function
portion of the callsite (call_function
), and the callargs
). An example incorporating these methods is shown
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "import json\njson.dumps({})",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python
... )
>>> callsite = root.children[-1].children[-1]
>>> callsite.provided_by(root)
>>> callsite.call_function().source_text
>>> [callarg.source_text for callarg in callsite.call_arguments()]
ASTs may be explictly traversed in pre-order using the traverse
which creates a generator that may be used anywhere a python iterable
is required. An example usage is shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 88", language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> for a in root.traverse():
... print(a)
<asts.types.PythonModule 0x1>
<asts.types.PythonExpressionStatement0 0x2>
<asts.types.PythonBinaryOperator 0x3>
<asts.types.PythonIdentifier 0x4>
<asts.types.PythonAdd 0x5>
<asts.types.PythonInteger 0x6>
Additionally, AST objects are themselves iterators and may be used
anywhere a python iterable
is required, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 88", language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> for a in root:
... print(a)
<asts.types.PythonModule 0x1>
<asts.types.PythonExpressionStatement0 0x2>
<asts.types.PythonBinaryOperator 0x3>
<asts.types.PythonIdentifier 0x4>
<asts.types.PythonAdd 0x5>
<asts.types.PythonInteger 0x6>
As expected, ASTs may be also be used in list comprehensions as shown:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x + 88", language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> ids = [a for a in root if isinstance(a, asts.types.PythonIdentifier)]
>>> len(ids)
ASTs may also be manipulated (mutated) using the python API. Mutation operations create a new AST distinct from the inputs. The input ASTs may continue to be used as before; however, they are unchanged objects distinct from the AST(s) created.
Currently, clients may cut, insert, or replace AST subtrees, as shown. The operations are based on AST serial numbers; we find the AST in the root node passed as the first parameter with the same serial number as the point modify and perform the corresponding operation.
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string("x = 2\n", language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> stmt = root.children[0]
>>> root = asts.AST.cut(root, stmt)
>>> root.source_text
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "y = 3\n",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python
... )
>>> stmt = root.children[0]
>>> new_stmt = asts.AST.from_string(
... "x = 2\n",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> root = asts.AST.insert(root, stmt, new_stmt)
>>> root.source_text
'x = 2\ny = 3\n'
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "x = 2\n",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python
... )
>>> literal = root.children[0].children[0].children[-1]
>>> new_literal = asts.AST.from_string(
... "3",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python,
... deepest=True
... )
>>> root = asts.AST.replace(root, literal, new_literal)
>>> root.source_text
"x = 3\n"
As a useful shortcut, for small mutations, literals may be passed as the values for insertion and replacement, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "x = 2\n",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python
... )
>>> literal = root.children[0].children[0].children[-1]
>>> root = asts.AST.replace(root, literal, 3)
>>> root.source_text
"x = 3\n"
Finally, AST paths may be used as mutation point parameters to cut, insert, and replace, as shown below:
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(
... "x = 2\n",
... language=asts.ASTLanguage.Python
... )
>>> literal_path = [('CHILDREN', 0), ('CHILDREN', 0), 'RIGHT']
>>> root = asts.AST.replace(root, literal_path, 3)
>>> root.source_text
"x = 3\n"
In addition to simple mutation primitives, the API also supports walking the AST tree and performing transformations on the nodes within. This mode of mutation requires the client to define a transformer function which takes an AST node parameter as input and (optionally) returns an AST or literal which should replace that node in the new tree. If no new node is provided by the transformer function, the node is not replaced in the newly created tree.
For instance, consider a scenario where you wish to rewrite an AST,
replacing all x
identifiers with y
. To begin, you would define
an x_to_y
transformer function, as shown below:
>>> def x_to_y(ast: asts.AST) -> Optional[asts.LiteralOrAST]:
... """Convert 'x' identifier ASTs to 'y'."""
... if isinstance(ast, asts.types.IdentifierAST) and "x" == ast.source_text:
... return asts.AST.from_string("y", ast.language, deepest=True)
As you can see, this function returns a y
identifier when it encounters
an x
identifier. To use the transformer to replace nodes in an AST tree,
you would use the AST.transform
function, as shown below:
>>> text = """
... x = 1
... print(x)
... """
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(text, asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> print(root.source_text.strip())
x = 1
>>> transformed = asts.AST.transform(root, x_to_y)
>>> print(transformed.source_text.strip())
y = 1
In the example above, the x_to_y
transformer returned an AST. The
transformer function may also return a literal value, which will be
parsed as an AST. For instance, the below x_to_y
transformer is
functionally equivalent to the example above:
>>> def x_to_y(ast: asts.AST) -> Optional[asts.LiteralOrAST]:
... """Convert 'x' identifier ASTs to 'y'."""
... if isinstance(ast, asts.types.IdentifierAST) and "x" == ast.source_text:
... return "y"
Additionally, when using Python 3.10+, you may use pattern matching
to further simplify the implementation of the x_to_y
as shown below:
>>> def x_to_y(ast: asts.AST) -> Optional[asts.LiteralOrAST]:
... """Convert 'x' identifier ASTs to 'y'."""
... match ast:
... case asts.types.IdentifierAST(source_text="x"):
... return "y"
Transformers may implement more complicated logic than the simple
transform above. For instance, one may wish to convert
identifiers to y
, but only for the left-hand side of assignment
statements, as shown below:
>>> def x_to_y_assignment_lhs(ast: asts.AST) -> Optional[asts.LiteralOrAST]:
... """Convert 'x' identifier ASTs to 'y' on the lhs of assignments."""
... if (
... isinstance(ast, asts.types.PythonAssignment)
... and "x" == ast.left.source_text
... ):
... return asts.AST.copy(ast, left="y")
>>> text = """
... x = 1
... print(y)
... """
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(text, asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> transformed = asts.AST.transform(root, x_to_y_assignment_lhs)
>>> print(transformed.source_text.strip())
y = 1
As before, the x_to_y_assignment_lhs
transformer may be simplified
using pattern matching in Python 3.10+, as shown below:
>>> def x_to_y_assignment_lhs(ast: asts.AST) -> Optional[asts.LiteralOrAST]:
... """Convert 'x' identifier ASTs to 'y' on the lhs of assignments."""
... match ast:
... case asts.types.PythonAssignment(left=asts.types.IdentifierAST(source_text="x")):
... return asts.AST.copy(ast, left="y")
For these more complicated transforms, you may need to mutate the parent of the node you are interested in. For instance, above we create a new python assignment node with the left-hand side modified to the value we want.
Tying everything together, consider the case where wish to delete
all print
statements from an AST. This may be accomplished by
first defining a predicate for print statements, as shown below:
>>> def is_print_statement(ast: asts.AST) -> bool:
... """Return TRUE if AST is an statement calling the print function."""
... if isinstance(ast, asts.types.ExpressionStatementAST):
... fn_calls = [c.call_function().source_text for c in asts.utility.call_asts(ast)]
... return "print" in fn_calls
... return False
Once this predicate is in place, we may use it to define a transformer which
returns a node with the print
statements immediately below it elided:
>>> def delete_print_statements(ast: asts.AST) -> Optional[asts.LiteralOrAST]:
... """Delete all print statements from the children of AST."""
... if isinstance(ast, (asts.types.RootAST, asts.types.CompoundAST)):
... # Build a list of new, non-comment children directly under the AST,
... # eliding print statements.
... new_children = [
... c for c in ast.child_slot("children")
... if not is_print_statement(c)
... ]
... # Special case; if no children remain, add a "pass" statement nop to
... # avoid syntax errors.
... new_children = new_children if new_children else ["pass\n"]
... # Create the new node with print statements removed from the children.
... return asts.AST.copy(ast, children=new_children)
Finally, as before, we may use the delete_print_statements
to mutate an AST, as shown below:
>>> text = """
... x = 1
... y = 2
... if x > 1:
... x = x ** y
... print("Test One: %d" % x)
... else:
... print("Test Two: %d" % x)
... print("y = %d", y)
... """
>>> root = asts.AST.from_string(text, asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> transformed = asts.AST.transform(root, delete_print_statements)
>>> print(transformed.source_text.strip())
x = 1
y = 2
if x > 1:
x = x ** y
The python library is a thin wrapper around a Common Lisp program named
which calls the required pieces of the
Software Evolution Library (SEL). Most API calls are delegated to
this interface which we communicate with using JSON formatted input/
output over stdio/stdout or a socket.
The python AST objects contain a oid attribute representing an
object id (oid) on the Common Lisp side of the interface; in essence,
the python ASTs are pointers to Common Lisp memory locations. When
calling a python AST method, the oid is serialized to the Common Lisp
side of the interface where the underlying AST object is found
(dereferenced) and the operation performed. You may get the object id
using the oid
property on python ASTs; to test for python AST
equality, we check to see if the ASTs point to the same object using
the oids.
Additionally, python AST objects contain a serial number attribute representing a serial number on the Common Lisp side of the interface. This serial number is used when performing modifications (mutations) to an AST such as cut/replace/insert. To perform these modifications, we find the AST in the root with the same serial number as the point to modify and perform the operation. Serial numbers are stable in the unmodified, original tree across operations; however, the serial numbers of values inserted into the tree will differ from the AST given to insert.
To allow for garbage collection, the ASTs are manually reference
counted. Whenever a python AST (pointer) is created, the reference
count for the associated Common Lisp AST is incremented. Similarly,
as python ASTs are garbage collected the reference counter is
decremented. When the reference counter reaches zero, the Common Lisp
AST is released and may be garbage collected at the appropriate time.
To get the reference count for a particular python AST, you may use
the ast_ref_count
The underlying Common Lisp ASTs are themselves treated as immutable. Therefore, when performing mutation operations (e.g. cut, replace, insert), new ASTs are created in the process.
The source text property of an AST created using the ASTs package
may not match the original text given to the parser, even if no
mutations are performed. An automatic source code formatter, such
as black
or clang-format
, may be used on the original source
text and the source text attribute of the parsed AST before printing
to ensure consistency if this is required. This flexibility in
parsing allows for us to perform structured mutation operations -
for instance, automatically inserting a comma when an item is
added to an initializer list in C++.
As part of a mutation, the ASTs package may insert or delete whitespace
or separator characters (e.g. commas) between ASTs. One common
idiom is to use an automatic source code formatter, such as black
or clang-format
, on the source text after mutation to ensure
consistency before printing to screen or disk.
This error occurs after a mutation when an AST is inserted or replaces another and the type of the new AST does not match that expected by the tree-sitter grammer. These errors are often subtle and may be tricky to diagnose. As an example, consider the following:
>>> func = asts.AST.from_string("print(a)", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> type(func)
<class 'asts.types.PythonCall'>
In the above snippet, we create a func
AST representing a call to the print
function. Consider now that we wish to replace the print
call with something
different, say foo
. We may believe the following will perform
the operation:
>>> foo = asts.AST.from_string("foo", asts.ASTLanguage.Python)
>>> new_func = asts.AST.copy(func, function=foo)
>>> new_func.source_text
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File ".../Python-3.8.12/lib/python3.8/", line 967, in __get__
val = self.func(instance)
File ".../python/asts/", line 228, in source_text
return _interface.dispatch(AST.source_text.func.__name__, self)
File ".../python/asts/", line 589, in dispatch
return deserialize(handle_errors(json.loads(response.decode())))
File ".../python/asts/", line 539, in handle_errors
raise ASTException(data["error"])
asts.asts.ASTException: An unhandled error condition has been signalled: Unable to match
on AST of type
However, this does not work properly. If we look at the type of foo
and the type
of the function child slot of new_func
, we can see as to why.
>>> type(foo)
<class 'asts.types.PythonModule'>
>>> type(new_func.child_slot("function"))
<class 'asts.types.PythonModule'>
In this case, we attempt to insert a PythonModule
AST as the function child
slot of func
. A PythonModule
AST is a "root" AST type, associated with an
entire python file, replete with imports, functions, etc. This AST type does
not make sense as the "function" portion of a call AST; in this case,
we want an identifier AST. We can get the identifier by passing the deepest
keyword during AST creation, retrieving the deepest subnode still
encompassing all of the given source text, as shown below:
>>> foo = asts.AST.from_string("foo", asts.ASTLanguage.Python, deepest=True)
>>> type(foo)
<class 'asts.types.PythonIdentifier'>
>>> new_func = asts.AST.copy(func, function=foo)
>>> new_func.source_text
An AST is composed of several child slots, the arity of which may
be 0 (zero or more) or 1 (single AST). For instance, in the AST
for print(a)
, there are two child slots, [['FUNCTION', 1], ['ARGUMENTS', 1]]
allowing for destructuring into component parts of the AST.
In addition, internally, each AST has private before/after/internal-AST
slots for storing comments, errors, and internal whitespace that appears
in the source code. For instance, in the AST for the function body below,
the block AST has the comment # This is a comment
stored in the internal
before-AST slot.
def foo():
# This is a comment
return 0
The children
property on AST will return the concatenated list of
component slots of an AST and any comments included in each AST's
internal before or after AST slot. The order of the ASTs will
match the order they appear in the source text.
The children
child slot on an AST will return all ASTs not
assigned to an explicit slot (e.g. 'FUNCTION', 'ARGUMENTS' above)
and will NOT include any comment ASTs stored internally in an
AST's before/internal/after-AST slots.
When using the AST copy
method, care should be taken when
using the children
key (e.g. AST.copy(ast, children=...)
In this case, we are setting the children
slot and not the
property. Therefore, in almost all cases, we will want to
use the children slot, not property, of another AST to populate
the keyword argument (e.g. AST.copy(ast, children=other.child_slot("children"))
If the property is utilized and a comment is added to the copy
AST's children slot, the error described above in "ASTs package
throws 'Unable to match...'" will occur.
To begin, lets consider the AST for print(a)
; for this AST there
are two explicit child slots not named children
[['FUNCTION', 1], ['ARGUMENTS', 1]]
. All ASTs not assigned to an
explicit child slot on an AST (e.g. "FUNCTION" or "ARGUMENTS"
previously) are assigned to the "catchall" slot named "children".
Additionally, for ASTs with no named slots (e.g. function
bodies), all of the ASTs are stored in the slot named "children".
In essence, the slot serves as a fall-thru place to store all
ASTs not assigned to an explicit, named slot.
This error is raised when the Common Lisp binary (tree-sitter-interface
backing the ASTs python package crashes. If available, the error will
report the standard output and standard error streams for the
process prior to the crash.
Python AST objects contain a oid attribute representing an object id (oid) on the Common Lisp side of the interface; in essence, the python ASTs are pointers to Common Lisp memory locations. When calling a python AST method, the oid is serialized to the Common Lisp side of the interface where the underlying AST object is found (dereferenced) and the operation performed.
Additionally, python AST objects contain a serial number attribute representing a serial number on the Common Lisp side of the interface. This serial number is used when performing modifications (mutations) to an AST such as cut/replace/insert. To perform these modifications, we find the AST in the root with the same serial number as the point to modify and perform the operation. Serial numbers are stable in the unmodified, original tree across operations; however, the serial numbers of values inserted into the tree will differ from the AST given to insert.
Two objects with the same oid will always the same serial number. The converse does not hold.