Isoreg is an algorithm and software tool for the modeling and analysis of transcript isoform regulation from paired epigenomics and transcritpomics data. It is designed to incorporate the isoform expression and annotation into the multi-task learning framework which allows learning the association between transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulators with genes or their associated isoforms. The Biocoductor package for IsoReNet is comming soon!
IsoReNet integrates estimated transcriptional regulators activities, microRNA expression levels, and learns regulatory model for an individual isoform of a gene. You need to prepare the following inputs to run the IsoRegnet. i) Gene by sample expression matrix, ii) isoform by sample expression matrix, iii) Regulator by sample activity matrix iv) A noisy adjacency matrix of isoform regulatory network. Here we explain how to prepare these inputs.
Azim Dehghani Amirabad (developer)
Email: [email protected]